Author Topic: pb with mail or ebox firewall who stop mails ????  (Read 3279 times)


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pb with mail or ebox firewall who stop mails ????
« on: January 15, 2008, 06:41:16 pm »
hi all

sorry but need help with my installation of ebox !
i experience pb with sending mails i configure both outlook express and thunderbird i can receive mail from outside but i cant send mail outside !
the error is :

Impossible d'envoyer le message car l'un des destinataires a été refusé par le serveur. L'adresse de messagerie refusée était ''. Objet 'test messagerie', Compte : '', Serveur : '', Protocole : SMTP, Réponse du serveur : '554 <>: Relay access denied', Port : 25, Sécurisé (SSL) : Non, Erreur de serveur : 554, Numéro d'erreur : 0x800CCC79

i have configured my relay host correctly. e-box firewall PB ?
thanks for your ideas and if someone have a good documentation on how to configure ebox that's will be great and helpfull for me.

Javier Amor Garcia

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Re: pb with mail or ebox firewall who stop mails ????
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2008, 10:23:25 am »
  it seems to me that you haven't allowed the host/network to send email. (None is allowed by default).

To give permission, to your host/network you need firstly to create a object which contains the host network.
Then, you must go to Mail->General and click in the 'settings' tab. There you will find a section called 'Relay policy for objects', move your object to the allowed column and save the changes.
