Author Topic: Improvements in the service integration and ebox-jabber module (testing wanted)  (Read 5176 times)


  • Zentyal Staff
  • Zen Monk
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As J. Salamero announced yesterday via we have now improved the eBox service integration and ebox-jabber module. You have the full post here: and a short summary goes here:

As you already probably know, the Services section of eBox Platform tells which TCP/UDP ports are being used. This information is used by the Firewall and Traffic Shaping modules to create rules that are automatically updated if there are any changes in the port configuration. The latest novelty regarding this section is that ebox-webserver and ebox-jabber now also register themselves on Services.

Furthermore, Web Server module now supports SSL, allowing you to define multiple SSL Virtual Hosts using only one IP address and to deploy all your websites with SSL just by making a couple of clicks. And we also made the Webmail module to be able to automatically deploy the webmail over one of these virtual hosts.

Although not related with the Services, we also want you to know that we have now rewritten the ebox-jabber module by using the new MVC framework and we have moved away from the old CGI and templates system. The new Jabber server we chose is ejabberd, firstly because it is already included in Ubuntu and secondly because it gives us the choice to extend the module with new features and to further integrate it with eBox Users and Groups.

All these improvements are available on eBox 1.5 beta. As always, we would really appreciate if you could help us testing these new features: you will find instructions on how to install eBox 1.5 in the Installation Guide and we would be pleased to hear your feedback via the Beta Testing forum.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 07:53:45 am by hvilppola »