Author Topic: please kindly help me I made a super big mistake trying to deinstall apparmor  (Read 1108 times)


  • Zen Warrior
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I am so sorry....

I made a big mistake! !!!

I wanted to get rid of the "apparmor" error messages in the messages / dmesg log.
So I googled and I thought it was safe to remove apparmor. No, it wasn't !

What I did was :

sudo systemctl stop apparmor
sudo systemctl disable apparmor
sudo apt remove --assume-yes --purge apparmor

Now the system told me it would remove all zentyal* components too!  HOLY SHIT NOOOOOOOOO!

I pressed control-c to break the deinstallation process very hard, but I doubt that really helped.

In a desperate attempt to fix my mistake, I did:

sudo apt install zentyal*

But I ran into some errors:

 * Restarting Zentyal module: openvpn                                                          [ OK ]
zentyal-squid (7.0.2) wird eingerichtet ...
The time period of the rule (All time) overlaps with the time period of (All time) other rule for the same anydpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Paketes zentyal-squid (--configure):
 »installiertes zentyal-squid-Skript des Paketes post-installation«-Unterprozess gab den Fehlerwert 25 zurück
dpkg: Abhängigkeitsprobleme verhindern Konfiguration von zentyal-samba:
 zentyal-samba hängt ab von zentyal-ntp; aber:
  Paket zentyal-ntp ist noch nicht konfiguriert.

dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Paketes zentyal-samba (--configure):
 Abhängigkeitsprobleme - verbleibt unkonfiguriert
dpkg: Abhängigkeitsprobleme verhindern Konfiguration von zentyal-jabber:
 zentyal-jabber hängt ab von zentyal-samba; aber:
  Paket zentyal-samba ist noch nicht konfiguriert.

dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Paketes zentyal-jabber (--configure):
 Abhängigkeitsprobleme - verbleibt unkonfiguriert
dpkg: Abhängigkeitsprobleme verhindern Konfiguration von zentyal-radius:
 zentyal-radius hängt ab von zentyal-samba; aber:
  Paket zentyal-samba ist noch nicht konfiguriert.

dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Paketes zentyal-radius (--configure):
 Abhängigkeitsprobleme - verbleibt unkonfiguriert
dpkg: Abhängigkeitsprobleme verhindern Konfiguration von zentyal-mail:
 zentyal-mail hängt ab von zentyal-samba; aber:
  Paket zentyal-samba ist noch nicht konfiguriert.

dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Paketes zentyal-mail (--configure):
 Abhängigkeitsprobleme - verbleibt unkonfiguriert
dpkg: Abhängigkeitsprobleme verhindern Konfiguration von zentyal-mailfilter:
 zentyal-mailfilter hängt ab von zentyal-mail; aber:
  Paket zentyal-mail ist noch nicht konfiguriert.

dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Paketes zentyal-mailfilter (--configure):
 Abhängigkeitsprobleme - verbleibt unkonfiguriert
dpkg: Abhängigkeitsprobleme verhindern Konfiguration von zentyal-sogo:
 zentyal-sogo hängt ab von zentyal-mail; aber:
  Paket zentyal-mail ist noch nicht konfiguriert.

dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Paketes zentyal-sogo (--configure):
 Abhängigkeitsprobleme - verbleibt unkonfiguriert
dpkg: Abhängigkeitsprobleme verhindern Konfiguration von zentyal-groupware:
 zentyal-groupware hängt ab von zentyal-mail; aber:
  Paket zentyal-mail ist noch nicht konfiguriert.
 zentyal-groupware hängt ab von zentyal-sogo; aber:
  Paket zentyal-sogo ist noch nicht konfiguriert.

dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Paketes zentyal-groupware (--configure):
 Abhängigkeitsprobleme - verbleibt unkonfiguriert
Trigger für systemd (245.4-4ubuntu3.11) werden verarbeitet ...
Trigger für man-db (2.9.1-1) werden verarbeitet ...
Trigger für zentyal-core (7.0.6) werden verarbeitet ...
 * Restarting Zentyal module: webadmin                                                         [ OK ]
 * Restarting Zentyal module: logs                                                             [ OK ]
Trigger für libc-bin (2.31-0ubuntu9.2) werden verarbeitet ...
Fehler traten auf beim Bearbeiten von:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

How do I fix my Zentyal installation now ?

SORRY!!!! Please, any help is greatly appreciated. I suppose I am sitting on a more-than-half-broken Zentyal installation now.....


  • Zen Warrior
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Addition: Surprisingly, the Zentyal server runs well enough for Users to log in and access the samba shares. A miracle!
Also, mail seems to somewhat "work" - not tested , to what degree of "work" exactly...
But what does not work is the web interface at https://zentyalserver:8443  - it indefinitely says "waiting for Zentyal to get ready" , which never happens.
As I said before, any good clues are welcome of just what to do to get the system in a stable and working state again.

Edit: Addendum: I am also getting an error every 10 minutes as e-mail to root:

Subject: Cron <root@srv01> [ -x /usr/share/zentyal-mail/fetchmail-update ]
    && /usr/share/zentyal-mail/fetchmail-update

Can't call method "isEnabled" on an undefined value at
/usr/share/zentyal-mail/fetchmail-update line 16.

I also don't know how to fix this.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2023, 10:16:53 am by ATT1 »


  • Zen Warrior
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Yep, it was a huge mistake xD

If I were you I would do the following:

1. The status of the Zentyal packages that are installed - including half ones -:
Code: [Select]
    dpkg -l | egrep 'zen(buntu|tyal)-’
2. If there are broken packages:
Code: [Select]
    dpkg -l | egrep -v '^ii’

Once you know the status of the packages, you can make a plan, for instance, if there is a broken package, you can try to solve it by running the following command:

Code: [Select]

sudo dpkg —configure -a

NOTE: Sometimes that command must be run a few times until it fixes all the broken packages. Also, in certain cases, you must run to fix the broken packages in a particular order.

Code: [Select]

sudo dpkg —configure zentyal-core

sudo dpkg —configure zentyal-mail

Also, another important thing to do is to analyze the following log files in order to determine if there is a critical error:

- /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log
- /var/log/syslog

Finally, I recommend you generate a system report and analyze it.

Code: [Select]

sudo /usr/share/zentyal/smart-admin-report

Hope it helps you to recover your Zentyal server.

“This world is ours, and by the Holy Light we will keep it safe, now and forever".


  • Zen Warrior
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I think I need double quotes to run your commands:

root@srv01:/home/ad#  dpkg -l | egrep "zen(buntu|tyal)-"

root@srv01:/home/ad#  dpkg -l | egrep "zen(buntu|tyal)-"
ii  zenbuntu-core                         7.0.1ubuntu1                          all          Zentyal Environment for Ubuntu Server
ii  zenbuntu-desktop                      7.0.1ubuntu1                          all          Zentyal Desktop Environment for Ubuntu Server
iU  zentyal-all                           7.0.0ubuntu1                          all          Zentyal - All Modules
ii  zentyal-antivirus                     7.0.3                                 all          Zentyal - Antivirus
ii  zentyal-ca                            7.0.1                                 all          Zentyal - Certification Authority
ii  zentyal-core                          7.0.6                                 all          Zentyal - Core
iF  zentyal-dhcp                          7.0.2                                 all          Zentyal - DHCP Server
ii  zentyal-dns                           7.0.2                                 all          Zentyal - DNS Server
ii  zentyal-firewall                      7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Firewall
ii  zentyal-ftp                           7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - FTP
iU  zentyal-groupware                     7.0.0ubuntu1                          all          Zentyal - Mail and Groupware
ii  zentyal-ips                           7.0.1                                 all          Zentyal - Intrusion Prevention System
iU  zentyal-jabber                        7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Jabber
iU  zentyal-mail                          7.0.3                                 all          Zentyal - Mail
iU  zentyal-mailfilter                    7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Mail Filter
ii  zentyal-network                       7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Network Configuration
iF  zentyal-ntp                           7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - NTP Service
ii  zentyal-openvpn                       7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - VPN
iU  zentyal-radius                        7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - RADIUS
iU  zentyal-samba                         7.0.3                                 all          Zentyal - Domain Controller and File Sharing
ii  zentyal-software                      7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Software Management
iU  zentyal-sogo                          7.0.1                                 all          Zentyal - Web Mail
iF  zentyal-squid                         7.0.2                                 all          Zentyal - HTTP Proxy
ii  zentyal-virt                          7.0.1                                 all          Zentyal - Virtualization Manager

root@srv01:~# dpkg -l | egrep -v "^ii"
Gewünscht=Unbekannt/Installieren/R=Entfernen/P=Vollständig Löschen/Halten
| Status=Nicht/Installiert/Config/U=Entpackt/halb konFiguriert/
         Halb installiert/Trigger erWartet/Trigger anhängig
|/ Fehler?=(kein)/R=Neuinstallation notwendig (Status, Fehler: GROSS=schlecht)
||/ Name                                  Version                               Architektur  Beschreibung
rc  systemd-timesyncd                     245.4-4ubuntu3.2                      amd64        minimalistic service to synchronize local time with NTP servers
iU  zentyal-all                           7.0.0ubuntu1                          all          Zentyal - All Modules
iF  zentyal-dhcp                          7.0.2                                 all          Zentyal - DHCP Server
iU  zentyal-groupware                     7.0.0ubuntu1                          all          Zentyal - Mail and Groupware
iU  zentyal-jabber                        7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Jabber
iU  zentyal-mail                          7.0.3                                 all          Zentyal - Mail
iU  zentyal-mailfilter                    7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Mail Filter
iF  zentyal-ntp                           7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - NTP Service
iU  zentyal-radius                        7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - RADIUS
iU  zentyal-samba                         7.0.3                                 all          Zentyal - Domain Controller and File Sharing
iU  zentyal-sogo                          7.0.1                                 all          Zentyal - Web Mail
iF  zentyal-squid                         7.0.2                                 all          Zentyal - HTTP Proxy

2023/08/15 23:23:47 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::saveConfig - Saving config for module: network
2023/08/15 23:23:47 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::saveConfig - Saving config for module: firewall
2023/08/15 23:23:47 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::saveConfig - Saving config for module: ips
2023/08/15 23:23:47 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::save - Restarting service for module: ips
2023/08/15 23:23:51 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::saveConfig - Saving config for module: network
2023/08/15 23:23:51 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::saveConfig - Saving config for module: firewall
2023/08/15 23:23:51 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::saveConfig - Saving config for module: network
2023/08/15 23:23:51 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::saveConfig - Saving config for module: dhcp
2023/08/15 23:23:52 INFO> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Restarting service for module: dhcp
2023/08/15 23:24:01 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::saveConfig - Saving config for module: network
2023/08/15 23:24:01 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::saveConfig - Saving config for module: antivirus
2023/08/15 23:24:01 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::save - Restarting service for module: antivirus
2023/08/15 23:24:03 DEBUG> EBox::Model::DataTable::_checkFieldIsUnique - Server already exists. at Server a
lready exists. at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Model/ line 3229
EBox::Model::DataTable::_checkFieldIsUnique('EBox::NTP::Model::Servers=HASH(0x55782f8c6ad0)', 'EBox::Types::Host=HASH(0x55782fc0c1d0)') called at /usr/shar
e/perl5/EBox/Model/ line 762
eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Model/ line 747
EBox::Model::DataTable::addTypedRow('EBox::NTP::Model::Servers=HASH(0x55782f8c6ad0)', 'HASH(0x55782fc0c110)') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Model/DataTab line 3605
EBox::Model::DataTable::_autoloadAdd('EBox::NTP::Model::Servers=HASH(0x55782f8c6ad0)', 'add', 'ARRAY(0x55782fb27820)') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Mode
l/ line 2466
EBox::Model::DataTable::AUTOLOAD('EBox::NTP::Model::Servers=HASH(0x55782f8c6ad0)', 'server', '') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line
EBox::NTP::initialSetup('EBox::NTP=HASH(0x55782f842cf8)', undef) called at /usr/share/zentyal/initial-setup line 51
2023/08/15 23:25:09 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::saveConfig - Saving config for module: ca
2023/08/15 23:25:10 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::saveConfig - Saving config for module: network
2023/08/15 23:25:10 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::saveConfig - Saving config for module: openvpn
2023/08/15 23:25:11 INFO> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Restarting service for module: openvpn
2023/08/15 23:25:13 DEBUG> EBox::Squid::Model::AccessRules::validateTypedRow - The time period of the rule (All time) overlaps with the
time period of (All time) other rule for the same any at The time period of the rule (All time) overlaps with the time period of (All time) other rule for
the same any at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Squid/Model/ line 207
EBox::Squid::Model::AccessRules::validateTypedRow('EBox::Squid::Model::AccessRules=HASH(0x563c0b39ca00)', 'add', 'HASH(0x563c0c568248)', 'HASH(0x563c0c5682
48)') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Model/ line 768
eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Model/ line 747
EBox::Model::DataTable::addTypedRow('EBox::Squid::Model::AccessRules=HASH(0x563c0b39ca00)', 'HASH(0x563c0c568248)') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Model/D line 3605
EBox::Model::DataTable::_autoloadAdd('EBox::Squid::Model::AccessRules=HASH(0x563c0b39ca00)', 'add', 'ARRAY(0x563c0aaf7d98)') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBo
x/Model/ line 2466
EBox::Model::DataTable::AUTOLOAD('EBox::Squid::Model::AccessRules=HASH(0x563c0b39ca00)', 'source', 'HASH(0x563c0b341208)', 'policy', 'HASH(0x563c0b39cb68)'
) called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 123
EBox::Squid::initialSetup('EBox::Squid=HASH(0x563c0a79c508)', undef) called at /usr/share/zentyal/initial-setup line 51
2023/08/15 23:25:18 INFO> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Restarting service for module: webadmin
2023/08/15 23:25:21 INFO> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Restarting service for module: logs

Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 postfix/pipe[1112574]: CAC56CA02F3: to=<office@mycompany.lan>, relay=dovecot, delay=427, delays=427/0.04/0/0.02, dsn=4.3.0, status=de
ferred (temporary failure. Command output: lda(office@mycompany.lan): Error: net_connect_unix(/var/run/dovecot/stats-writer) failed: Permission denied )
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 dovecot: lda(sa@mycompany.lan)<1112641><>: Error: auth-master: userdb lookup(sa@mycompany.lan): connect(/var/run/dovecot/auth-master)
 failed: Permission denied (euid=131(ebox) egid=145(ebox) missing +r perm: /var/run/dovecot/auth-master, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0755)
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 dovecot: lda: Fatal: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information.
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 postfix/pipe[1112628]: CBC91CA0283: to=<sa@mycompany.lan>, relay=dovecot, delay=12909, delays=12909/0.03/0/0.02, dsn=4.3.0, status=de
ferred (temporary failure. Command output: lda(sa@mycompany.lan): Error: net_connect_unix(/var/run/dovecot/stats-writer) failed: Permission denied )
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 dovecot: lda(cz@mycompany.lan)<1112654><>: Error: auth-master: userdb lookup(cz@mycompany.lan): connect(/var/run/dovecot/auth-master)
 failed: Permission denied (euid=131(ebox) egid=145(ebox) missing +r perm: /var/run/dovecot/auth-master, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0755)
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 dovecot: lda: Fatal: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information.
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 dovecot: lda(kp@mycompany.lan)<1112655><>: Error: auth-master: userdb lookup(kp@mycompany.lan): connect(/var/run/dovecot/auth-master)
 failed: Permission denied (euid=131(ebox) egid=145(ebox) missing +r perm: /var/run/dovecot/auth-master, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0755)
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 dovecot: lda: Fatal: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information.
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 dovecot: lda(office@mycompany.lan)<1112652><>: Error: auth-master: userdb lookup(office@mycompany.lan): connect(/var/run/dovecot/auth
-master) failed: Permission denied (euid=131(ebox) egid=145(ebox) missing +r perm: /var/run/dovecot/auth-master, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0755)
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 dovecot: lda: Fatal: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information.
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 postfix/pipe[1112639]: B43F7CA0252: to=<cz@mycompany.lan>, relay=dovecot, delay=38339, delays=38339/0.04/0/0.02, dsn=4.3.0, status=de
ferred (temporary failure. Command output: lda(cz@mycompany.lan): Error: net_connect_unix(/var/run/dovecot/stats-writer) failed: Permission denied )
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 postfix/pipe[1112591]: B41C0CA025C: to=<kp@mycompany.lan>, relay=dovecot, delay=38332, delays=38332/0.03/0/0.02, dsn=4.3.0, status=de
ferred (temporary failure. Command output: lda(kp@mycompany.lan): Error: net_connect_unix(/var/run/dovecot/stats-writer) failed: Permission denied )
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 dovecot: lda(ap@mycompany.lan)<1112659><>: Error: auth-master: userdb lookup(ap@mycompany.lan): connect(/var/run/dovecot/auth-master)
 failed: Permission denied (euid=131(ebox) egid=145(ebox) missing +r perm: /var/run/dovecot/auth-master, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0755)
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 dovecot: lda: Fatal: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information.
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 postfix/pipe[1112542]: 796ACCA02F0: to=<office@mycompany.lan>, relay=dovecot, delay=1107, delays=1107/0.04/0/0.03, dsn=4.3.0, status=
deferred (temporary failure. Command output: lda(office@mycompany.lan): Error: net_connect_unix(/var/run/dovecot/stats-writer) failed: Permission denied )
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 dovecot: lda(bg@mycompany.lan)<1112663><>: Error: auth-master: userdb lookup(bg@mycompany.lan): connect(/var/run/dovecot/auth-master)
 failed: Permission denied (euid=131(ebox) egid=145(ebox) missing +r perm: /var/run/dovecot/auth-master, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0755)
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 dovecot: lda: Fatal: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information.
Aug 16 13:14:00 srv01 postfix/pipe[1112607]: BD68CCA02D7: to=<ap@mycompany.lan>, relay=dovecot, delay=2252, delays=2252/0.03/0/0.02, dsn=4.3.0, status=defe
rred (temporary failure. Command output: lda(ap@mycompany.lan): Error: net_connect_unix(/var/run/dovecot/stats-writer) failed: Permission denied )

As usual, any help is greatly appreciated..........................    :'(


  • Zen Warrior
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Also noteworthy:
root@srv01:/usr/share/zentyal-mail# ./fetchmail-update
Can't call method "isEnabled" on an undefined value at ./fetchmail-update line 16.


  • Zen Warrior
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As you can see, there are several packages that are broken (ii is the right state).

My recommendation is:

1. Do a mark in the following log files before trying to fix those broken packages:
Code: [Select]
    echo ‘#### DEBUGGING’ | sudo tee -a /var/log/dpkg.log
    echo ‘#### DEBUGGING’ | sudo tee -a /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log
    echo ‘#### DEBUGGING’ | sudo tee -a /var/log/syslog
2. Try to fix the packages using the mentioned commands.
    NOTE: Remember what I said about the fix attempts.
3. Monitor the log files from step one in order to identify the issues that might arise when the package is being fixed.
4. Check if any of the broken packages were fixed.

Basically, you must try to fix each package and debug the errors by analyzing the log files and trying again to fix them.

About the Fetchmail error, you can ignore it for now because the Mail module is not correctly installed.

“This world is ours, and by the Holy Light we will keep it safe, now and forever".


  • Zen Warrior
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Oh well, NTP seems to be very crucial, so I wanted to install it first, but I always get

135:2023/08/15 23:24:03 DEBUG> EBox::Model::DataTable::_checkFieldIsUnique - Server already exists. at Server already exists. at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Model/ line 3229
140:EBox::Model::DataTable::AUTOLOAD('EBox::NTP::Model::Servers=HASH(0x55782f8c6ad0)', 'server', '') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 122
155:2023/08/16 13:26:00 DEBUG> EBox::Model::DataTable::_chec            kFieldIsUnique - Server already exists. at Server already exists. at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Model/ line 3229
160:EBox::Model::DataTable::AUTOLOAD('EBox::NTP::Model::Servers=HASH(0x560c625d6640)', 'server', '') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 122

No idea how to get past this one, and it seems to be crucial, it really needs NTP....


  • Zen Warrior
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In /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ I changed out line 122 so it looks like this :

sub initialSetup
    my ($self, $version) = @_;

    # Create default rules and services and add default servers
    # only if installing the first time
    unless ($version) {
        my $servers = $self->model('Servers');
        for my $i (0..2) {
#            $servers->add(server => "$");

So the "add server..." is commented out, but this is ugly and I know it.

However it allowed me to proceed after the "NTP" problem.


  • Zen Warrior
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After I got the NTP to be tricked into being installed, I also re-installed some stuff and now it looks like this:

root@srv01:~# dpkg -l | egrep "zen(buntu|tyal)-"
ii  zenbuntu-core                         7.0.1ubuntu1                          all          Zentyal Environment for Ubuntu Server
ii  zenbuntu-desktop                      7.0.1ubuntu1                          all          Zentyal Desktop Environment for Ubuntu Server
ii  zentyal-antivirus                     7.0.3                                 all          Zentyal - Antivirus
ii  zentyal-ca                            7.0.1                                 all          Zentyal - Certification Authority
ii  zentyal-core                          7.0.6                                 all          Zentyal - Core
ii  zentyal-dhcp                          7.0.2                                 all          Zentyal - DHCP Server
ii  zentyal-dns                           7.0.2                                 all          Zentyal - DNS Server
ii  zentyal-firewall                      7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Firewall
ii  zentyal-ftp                           7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - FTP
ii  zentyal-groupware                     7.0.0ubuntu1                          all          Zentyal - Mail and Groupware
ii  zentyal-ips                           7.0.1                                 all          Zentyal - Intrusion Prevention System
rc  zentyal-jabber                        7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Jabber
ii  zentyal-mail                          7.0.3                                 all          Zentyal - Mail
ii  zentyal-mailfilter                    7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Mail Filter
ii  zentyal-network                       7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Network Configuration
pi  zentyal-ntp                           7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - NTP Service
ii  zentyal-openvpn                       7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - VPN
ii  zentyal-radius                        7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - RADIUS
ii  zentyal-samba                         7.0.3                                 all          Zentyal - Domain Controller and File Sharing
ii  zentyal-software                      7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Software Management
ii  zentyal-sogo                          7.0.1                                 all          Zentyal - Web Mail
rc  zentyal-squid                         7.0.2                                 all          Zentyal - HTTP Proxy
ii  zentyal-virt                          7.0.1                                 all          Zentyal - Virtualization Manager

root@srv01:~# dpkg -l | egrep -v "^ii"
Gewünscht=Unbekannt/Installieren/R=Entfernen/P=Vollständig Löschen/Halten
| Status=Nicht/Installiert/Config/U=Entpackt/halb konFiguriert/
         Halb installiert/Trigger erWartet/Trigger anhängig
|/ Fehler?=(kein)/R=Neuinstallation notwendig (Status, Fehler: GROSS=schlecht)
||/ Name                                  Version                               Architektur  Beschreibung
rc  systemd-timesyncd                     245.4-4ubuntu3.2                      amd64        minimalistic service to synchronize local time with NTP servers
rc  zentyal-jabber                        7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - Jabber
pi  zentyal-ntp                           7.0.0                                 all          Zentyal - NTP Service
rc  zentyal-squid                         7.0.2                                 all          Zentyal - HTTP Proxy

Not so bad , and the web management CAN be found with http://srv01:8443   , BUT  the user management is gone :

"Element not found
we're sorry
The request contains a reference to a element which doest not exists
If you typed the page address manually, please check it
Maybe the element was removed and the page address is not longer valid
It can be also a parameters cache error, in this case you can navigate again to the page using the left menu
If you need more help, you may want visit Zentyal homepage for documentation and mailing lists"

So yes its quite fucked up, still.  :-(


  • Zen Warrior
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I also get some e-mail every 10 minutes saying:

Subject: Cron <root@srv01> [ -x /usr/share/zentyal-mail/fetchmail-update ] &&

Error loading LDIF. Error message: First line of LDIF entry does not begin with "dn:",
Error lines: GENSEC backend 'gssapi_spnego' registered
GENSEC backend 'gssapi_krb5' registered
GENSEC backend 'gssapi_krb5_sasl' registered
GENSEC backend 'spnego' registered
GENSEC backend 'schannel' registered
GENSEC backend 'naclrpc_as_system' registered
GENSEC backend 'sasl-EXTERNAL' registered
GENSEC backend 'ntlmssp' registered
GENSEC backend 'ntlmssp_resume_ccache' registered
GENSEC backend 'http_basic' registered
GENSEC backend 'http_ntlm' registered
GENSEC backend 'http_negotiate' registered



  • Zen Warrior
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Well, you were able to fix all the packages except one, so it is good news.

The error you get about ‘Element not found’ was reported [here]( and fixed [here]( with version zentyal-samba 7.0.3 you already use.

I guess Zentyal is not fully managing the DNS and DC services and that is the reason you are getting that error. My recommendation is to disable temporarily the DC and DNS modules, then ensure all the related services are stopped, after that, enable again those modules and check if the issue is gone. Finally, you will need to enable its dependencies like the mail module.

The command to get the services and stop them if running - after you disable the modules - are:

Code: [Select]

sudo systemctl status samba-ad-dc named

Two important things to consider before proceeding with the above recommendation:

1. There is a change that after disabling those modules, some of them could not start again due to some issue we do not see yet.
2. You should do a backup now that you can, you can try a configuration backup for that purpose because it will contain your LDAP structure (users, groups, etc) but NO the data like shared folders.

“This world is ours, and by the Holy Light we will keep it safe, now and forever".