Author Topic: one domain wide GPO to prevent thunderbird updates for all users  (Read 1688 times)


  • Zen Warrior
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I want to add one domain-wide GPO rule on a Zentyal7 samba/AD server to prevent any updates for Thunderbird on all local Windows clients, since the update usually breaks a lot of perfectly working stuff.

What is the easiest way, preferably from the command line in Linux, to do this ?
Currently, I only know that the following registry value is doing this, but for each client only, not domain-wide :

Code: [Select]

... and I don't want to run to each client computer and add this registry value by hand, when some domain-wide rule could do it.


  • Zen Warrior
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Re: one domain wide GPO to prevent thunderbird updates for all users
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2022, 04:32:58 pm »

The GPO must be created through RSAT tools. So, you need to use a Windows computer logged in the domain with an administrator user to create that policy.

NOTE: Don't forget to add the domain groups in the 'delegation' tab:

* domain users
* domain computers


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  • Zen Warrior
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Re: one domain wide GPO to prevent thunderbird updates for all users
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2022, 08:57:06 pm »
If one of you guys have created that policy with the RSAT tools, do they produce a file and if so, can you share that file?
And tell me how to tell Zentyal to use this ? I am using the free community edition....