Author Topic: [Solved] ping from CentOS7 get resolved,but no from deb based Debian,  (Read 1503 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Hi All,
A couple of days back, I have connected my Debian,Ubuntu(different versions), Centos to Zentyal doman controller.
This I have done at my home.

Now in my friends office, tried out with the latest CE. Edited the client machiens /etc/resolv.conf to reflect the zentyal server. Now I have my CentOS machine gets reply when pinging hostname of the zentyal server, while none of the debian based machines hostname is not getting resolved, I would like to mention that there is entry for zenyal server in the /etc/resolv.conf file.

This is wierd, why CentOS works, but not the deb based systems

Today I tried with the latest ISO downloaded
Advice and guidance requested

« Last Edit: December 31, 2017, 06:33:57 am by jjk_saji »


  • Zen Apprentice
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I like to update:-
In the same network environment, I tried with  enterprise edition, it works fine. names get resolved, linux machines get joined to domain, works perfectly

But with CE, after editing the resolv.conf , the zentyal machine do not get resolved, for that reason it wont join the domain.
Hope the developers take note of my post


  • Zen Apprentice
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Hi All,
The problem got resolved.
Actually it was not issue of the CE or EE. It was based on the domain I gave, since it was testing I was using different names like

Now wherever I was using the "test.local", the issue was caused by the DNS resolution mechanism for local, I did not notice that I am using test.lan for EE and test.local for CE and we were trouble shooting, at last we found the reason

Posting my experience here so that thread is updated on what happened