Author Topic: How to Check if WINs is working [SOLVED]  (Read 4288 times)


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How to Check if WINs is working [SOLVED]
« on: December 17, 2015, 12:12:34 pm »

I have a Zentyal 3.2 running as a PDC and Samba server.
I the DHCP option, I have checked the option "Servidor WINS - Zental local". But I seems the Zentyal is not responding. In the following command, Zentyal have IP, but is not elected as master browser:

mblookup -M -- - __MSBROWSE__<01>   // IP of the windows machine in the same IP subnet __MSBROWSE__<01> // client itself __MSBROWSE__<01>  // IP of the windows machine in another IP subnet __MSBROWSE__<01>  // IP of the windows machine in another IP subnet

In other subnets, Zentyal is responding fine:
nmblookup -M -- - __MSBROWSE__<01> // client itself __MSBROWSE__<01> // Zentyal server

In the cofiguration file "smb.conf.mas" I can not nothing about "wins support = yes"

How can I check if the wins server of Zentyal is working fine?

Best regards.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 10:09:34 am by gararda »


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Re: How to Check if WINs is working
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2015, 11:20:43 am »
I have configured other ubuntu to be the master browser on this LAN and all is working fine:

Code: [Select]
## Browsing/Identification ###
wins support = no
domain master = yes
local master = yes
preferred master = yes

but this is not the ideal solution. I wan to be Zentyal the master browser, so I want to configure it.
I think I must change the config file  /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/samba/smb.conf.mas and add the commands under "[global]"

Is this correct?

« Last Edit: December 18, 2015, 11:23:00 am by gararda »


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Re: How to Check if WINs is working
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2015, 02:01:54 pm »
You should do a custom stub instead:
mkdir -p /etc/zentyal/stubs/samba
cp  /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/samba/smb.conf.mas /etc/zentyal/stubs/samba/
and do changes on /etc/zentyal/stubs/samba/smb.conf.mas

O therwise you might lose your changes on any possible zentyal-samba package update.


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Re: How to Check if WINs is working
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2015, 02:24:29 pm »
Thank you so much jbahillo, I will try¡¡¡



  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: How to Check if WINs is working
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2015, 10:08:31 am »
It works perfectly. Brief summary:

- Create a new stub
Code: [Select]
mkdir -p /etc/zentyal/stubs/samba
cp  /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/samba/smb.conf.mas /etc/zentyal/stubs/samba/

Add the following code at [global] level to: /etc/zentyal/stubs/samba/smb.conf.mas
Code: [Select]
    domain master = yes
    wins support = yes
    local master = yes
    os level = 255
    preferred master = yes
