Author Topic: create calendar and contact group(doc) in outlook 2010  (Read 2359 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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create calendar and contact group(doc) in outlook 2010
« on: September 18, 2015, 01:47:35 pm »
Hi all,
I'm building the source
when i run the SAMBA OpenChange SOGo and use sync outlook  got some error

1. create a new calendar: test52-006, outlook is not return fail , but server not create data to mysql and some error in samba log, like this
  2015/09/18 16:20:12.741687,  1] libmapi/oc_log.c:52(oc_logv)
  mapiproxy/servers/default/emsmdb/oxcfxics.c:2363(EcDoRpc_RopSyncImportHierarchyChange): Failed to open parent folder with FID=[0x1104000000000001]: MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND
I Could not find any new data in mysql

2. create a new contract group: group-test52-001 , where press send/recive button , the contract group is change normal contract user and empty data field?!
I Could not find any new data in mysql or sam.ldb.

3. create a new contract doc ,
<0x0x7faf3c47b8c0[MAPIStoreContactsContext]> found path 'test52@contacts/personal/' for fmid 0xfb03000000000001
<MAPIStoreContactsFolder:0x7faf3be38e60:personal> new folders cannot be created in this context
I Could not find any new data in mysql

Is it known issue?
Where I was wrong and how to fix?
Same problem in zentyal 4.1

Thank you for your help.

---server env
Ubuntu 15.04
SAMBA 4.1.18
OpenChange 2.3
SOGo 2.3.2
SOPE 2.3.2

---client env
outlook 2010

detail log in attachments
« Last Edit: September 18, 2015, 02:02:40 pm by rain »