Author Topic: How to make a Zentyal webmail session longer  (Read 837 times)


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How to make a Zentyal webmail session longer
« on: June 25, 2015, 11:16:11 pm »
Hi folks,

I am very busy setting up my Zentyal server. Some things don't work out of the box, but with a little bit of google and guessing i always find a good way to figure things out.

I am reading mails and after some time when i open the next mail, in the screen where the mail should show up i see the zentyal login screen. so what i want to do is:

- 1st. when the session is out of time, refresh the whole page automaticly, so i come to he full login screen. (like you just pressed the link)
- 2nd i want the session time to be longer, say 15 minutes, or after 5 minutes idle. Now the session expires even when i'm nog idle (So i dont have to login every 2 minutes).

Is there anyone who could point me the way to search for this, can't find it out myself and can't find it on google ;)

Thanks in advance!