Author Topic: is there a recommendation for maximum mail/mysql volume size? are there limits?  (Read 1197 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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hi there,

sorry if this has been asked before but i didnt really know what to search for in the searchengine. so please be kind to me. :)

i want to migrate an existing imap installation to zentyal. the existing machine serves for roughly 150 users holding currently a mailvolume of something like 2.5 tb; nagiosgrapher tells me an average additional 10g each day. i know - hm, am i right? - zentyal stores mail in mysql.

is there any experience with large volumes in mysql? i think nowadays 2tb volumes are not a lot for a fileserver filesystem, but handling with such amounts of mail may be quite a pain. but there is no way around. does mysql handle this volume size well? is there any limit in the license included in zentyal? i dont know too much about mysql licensing...

what is your experience with all the mail related stuff regarding zentyal? is there any thread i should work through?

thanks for your thoughts,