Author Topic: Zentyal 3.4 - Can't configure Bridge correctly  (Read 815 times)


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Zentyal 3.4 - Can't configure Bridge correctly
« on: November 21, 2014, 04:24:29 pm »
Hi everyone!

I'm Darío from south america and I'm trying to configure an old DELL Optiplex 260 as a Proxy.

My actual network is something like this:

Internet -> Switch (for other servers not from my company) -> AT&T Netgate -> Company router -> Users Switch

I was wondering to install my Zentyal server Between the Company router and the users Swith so I can check and manage user's traffic.

So well, I've installed Zentyal and configured the eth0 as external and dhcp and at the Zentyal GUI was able to get Internet and the Zentyal server had my company IP, and eth1 was disconected.

I've configured eth0 as Bridge and created br1 and then i've configured eth1 as bridge and also as br1 and br1 configured as Static ip with After this my Zentyal Server lost Internet acces and the test pc I've connected after the server trough eth1 don't have internet too.

I've disconnected the DHCP server becouse I don't want that the zential server give new Ip trough this server I just want it to be transparent.

It's obvious I'm missing something, but I cannot see it, could you help me please?

Thanks in advance!

Dario Pereira.