Author Topic: (SOLVED) Zentyal 4 and ownCloud with centralized user management (LDAP)  (Read 19034 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: (SOLVED) Zentyal 4 and ownCloud with centralized user management (LDAP)
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2015, 10:10:39 am »
 :) I find the a Solution in a Owncloud-Forum with using an Ubuntu AD (as Zentyal is based on ubuntu) and it's working  :)

Here are my pictures


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: (SOLVED) Zentyal 4 and ownCloud with centralized user management (LDAP)
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2015, 09:37:04 am »
It' me agian. As you can see in my last post and the pictures, I get the users in the owncloud-user-panel.

But... I can't login with the AD credetials for my users. Has anybody an Idea?




  • Zen Apprentice
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I'm really wondering why I persist with Zentyal. Why can they not give us the documentation that will let us use Zentyal as an LDAP server to authenticate clients without having to jump through all these hoops. Earlier versions gave us a read only user in the admin panel and let us set up clients with ease. Now you have to dig into the guts of it just to find the dn of a user to use to log into LDAP.

If all Zentyal is going to do is provide the same functionality as a windows server (including the fucked up upgrades), I might as well just use windows. At least Microsoft give you documentation, and they support third party applications on the servers. Zentyal seem to be trying to stop anyone doing anything other than file sharing and Outlook.


  • Zen Apprentice
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I was able to get it working using Phiku's method in the screenshots... however it was very sporadic. One second it was showing nothing, the next suddenly it just went green after going back and forth between tabs. I just rebuilt the server and I'm going to try from scratch using those same instructions this time and see if it works. Would be nice to have this Wiki'd if someone could get it accurately working.


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  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: (SOLVED) Zentyal 4 and ownCloud with centralized user management (LDAP)
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2016, 01:40:54 pm »
:) I find the a Solution in a Owncloud-Forum with using an Ubuntu AD (as Zentyal is based on ubuntu) and it's working  :)

Here are my pictures

Thanks phiku for pointing out the solution:

Two remarks: in the first picture has some caveats that could lead to somemisunderstanding:

  • The IP is shown as server address: I can confirm this. Using the full qualified domain name is NOT working (server.zentyaldomain.lan).
  • Using the account "Administrator" is not necessary: any user can be used here. I simply created one.
  • The DN is not correct. "OU=Users," does not work for me. I simply had to use the settings as shown at the LDAP information page which you can easily copy from the webinterface at https://zentyal:WEB_PORT/Samba/Composite/Settings

And: Using ldaps://IP  or ldaps://FQD and Port 686 is NOT working for me.