Author Topic: Incorrect user name or Password when login in to computers on Zentyal domain  (Read 1891 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Incorrect user name or Password when login in to computers on Zentyal domain i was finally able to get pc to join domain useing user@mydomain.local but when trying to login to computer using user@mydomain.local or user name or domain\user not able to login. i have reset passwords to make sure they are correct. i have tried many different variations still same trouble.any help would be greatly appricated..


  • Zen Apprentice
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Highly unlikely what I am about to say is the cause of your issue IMHO but .local is bad idea to use as a TLD as it is reserved for and used by other services that you might possibly have on your network.
Ideally you should should use your external real domain and then stick something in front of it e.g, you would then have a server FQDN that looks something like
Arguably many small businesses that do not plan to operate on multiple sites or with multiple sub-domains can get away with made up .gibbgerish TLD's but there are many arguments against it. Perhaps the best is that you cannot get a real Certificate issued against a made-up domain.