Author Topic: Altering Users, Openchange (Additional DC) - EBox::Samba::checkMailNotInUse  (Read 2603 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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I have had a number of issues with Zentyal 3.5.
I have joined to my existing SBS 2003 domain as an additional DC so I can move the email over from exchange and in time ditch the SBS box and migrate to Zentyal 100%.
Upon trying to alter an existing user (in this example Administrator) from Zentyal the email (optional) field is populated automatically from the existing AD. Upon saving the changes I get the error "Address is already in use by the user Administrator".
I also get a similar error with more debug detail when I try and setup the mail & openchange modules and from this. I have traced the error to the EBox::Samba::checkMailNotInUse method.

As far as I can see looking at the source code (I am a php not a perl developer but it looks similar) the EBox::Samba::checkMailNotInUse method / function does not apply the logic to test if the response relates to the current object. Surely this should be done else editing an object runs the method in question and if the email field has been previously populated the edit on the object will always throw an exception.

One other way would be to exclude the current object when performing the ldap lookup somehow.

As I have said I am not a perl developer nd have no knowledge of the Zentyal architecture but I think I am on the right lines.
I will try and submit a bug report if I can but I am not currently sure how to go about it.

Many Thanks



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I thought SBS was shackled to a single DC only and you could only add member servers?


  • Zen Apprentice
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"Windows Server 2003. One of the most common misconceptions is that customers cannot run another member server or domain controller in a Windows SBS domain. This is not true! You can add additional member servers that are running Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server to a Windows SBS domain. You can even promote a member server that is running Windows Server 2003 to be a domain controller, in order to improve authentication services at remote offices"

Plus I already have another Server 2003 server running as a DC with sbs.

The zentyal machine has joined the domain fine. It is just this function that is causing me issues,


  • Guest
I am glad you posted that as I was sure. I get so confused with M$ licensing and versions.

Maybe it was my last experience of 2012 essentials and exchange had to go on a member server.

I was thinking it might be SBS that was limiting things but obviously not.

Apols as don't have an answer.