Author Topic: Relaying does not work for authenticated users, as advertised ...  (Read 3012 times)


  • Zen Monk
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our server is We have one customer,,, who has theri websites and email accounts hosted elsewhere, but they do want us to provide smtp service for them.

So, their domains are not set on our Zentyal server as hosts, for which we do manage (receive emails). As I don't want to possibly have any relay, we defined user account for them, called simply Referring to following doc, relay should work for authenticated user:

But what I get is the following message: Sender address rejected, not owned by user

My question is simple - is there any way of how to make system less restrictive? E.g. by changing some smtpd_recipient_restrictions=?



  • Zen Monk
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Re: Relaying does not work for authenticated users, as advertised ...
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2014, 12:45:25 pm »
Good thing that I still have my old server available. I can see different postfix configs in some places. In my case, the culprit with new Zentyal server (3.4), was the following line:


I really wonder, why such gotchas are being put into each possible update. Ditto Apache included in latest version - your websites will not work, as order allow, deny directives were replaced by Require all granted directive.

Not a Zentyal thing, but I would expect it being mentioned in the docs ...