Author Topic: Force sync of pending operations  (Read 3037 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Force sync of pending operations
« on: October 09, 2009, 02:19:19 pm »
I am trying master/slave ldap configuration with eBox 1.3 considerated stable packages (only them) but when i push button to force sync, nothing seems to be done...

Is it normal? May i correct it in any way?



  • Zen Monk
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Re: Force sync of pending operations
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2009, 01:45:37 pm »
I had this working a little while ago (well the servers did sync on their own, I never tried forced sync). Now however no sync is happening, forced or otherwise.
I can not offer any help other than to show what my logs show in the hope someone else may have an answer or suggestion (assuming your problem is the same as mine)

On the master the ebox log shows a lot of lines like this
2009/11/13 15:30:05 WARN> EBox::Events::__ANON__ - model EBox::Events::Model::Watcher::LogFiltering cannot be instantiated
2009/11/13 15:30:40 DEBUG> slave-sync:74 main::__ANON__ - Trying to run method addUser with param naomi.maloda on slave eboxcomms failed
2009/11/13 15:31:14 DEBUG> slave-sync:74 main::__ANON__ - Trying to run method addUser with param todd.sprinkel on slave eboxcomms failed
2009/11/13 15:31:33 INFO> EBox::Monitor::Measure::Manager::register - EBox::Monitor::Measure::Thermal is not enabled to collect data
2009/11/13 15:31:34 DEBUG> EBox::Events::Model::Watcher::LogFiltering::new - Missing argument: tableInfo
2009/11/13 15:31:34 WARN> EBox::Events::__ANON__ - model EBox::Events::Model::Watcher::LogFiltering cannot be instantiated
2009/11/13 15:31:47 DEBUG> slave-sync:74 main::__ANON__ - Trying to run method addUser with param mwanga.chibago on slave eboxcomms failed
2009/11/13 15:32:21 DEBUG> slave-sync:74 main::__ANON__ - Trying to run method addUser with param naomi.maloda on slave eboxcomms failed
2009/11/13 15:32:55 DEBUG> slave-sync:74 main::__ANON__ - Trying to run method addUser with param stanley.machichimi on slave eboxcomms failed

While on the slave I am seeing this in the ebox log
2009/11/13 15:31:57 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Master groups: 13                                                                                     
2009/11/13 15:31:57 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Replica groups: 13                                                                                     
2009/11/13 15:32:00 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Master users: 5
2009/11/13 15:32:00 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Replica users: 1
2009/11/13 15:32:00 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Master groups: 13
2009/11/13 15:32:00 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Replica groups: 13
2009/11/13 15:32:00 ERROR> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Replication failed
2009/11/13 15:32:04 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Master users: 5
2009/11/13 15:32:04 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Replica users: 1
2009/11/13 15:32:04 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Master groups: 13
2009/11/13 15:32:04 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Replica groups: 13
2009/11/13 15:32:08 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Master users: 5
2009/11/13 15:32:08 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Replica users: 1
2009/11/13 15:32:08 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Master groups: 13
2009/11/13 15:32:08 DEBUG> EBox::UsersAndGroups::waitSync - Replica groups: 13


  • Zen Hero
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Re: Force sync of pending operations
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2009, 01:54:15 pm »
What's the exact version of ebox-usersandgroups in both servers?


  • Zen Monk
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Re: Force sync of pending operations
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2009, 02:00:14 pm »
they are both running 1.3.9
I can not tell you what version they were running when I first linked them together and the auto sync quite rapidly synced my first user


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Force sync of pending operations
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2009, 12:11:39 am »

i had a similar problem in my testing environment. LDAP Slaves wouldn't sync automatic or manually.
After some time i noticed following entry in /var/log/ebox/ebox.log on my LDAP machine:

Code: [Select] EBox::SOAPClient::__ANON__ - 500 Can't connect to server:443 (Bad hostname 'server')
Then i realized that i forgot to create proper DNS entries for my test machines. The LDAP sync tries to reach the slaves via their hostnames ("server" in this case is my samba LDAP slave). As soon as i defined DNS entries for the slaves, the sync went ok.

Hope that helps.


  • Zen Monk
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Re: Force sync of pending operations
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2009, 10:41:04 am »
Found out what I did wrong, oops!
I thought the change from using only usersandgroups, on the server, to being able to use other services as well had long since happened.
BUT I just found out it has not happened yet.
ha, serves me right for making rash assumptions  :)