Author Topic: Graphics card / screen resolution  (Read 2565 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Graphics card / screen resolution
« on: November 10, 2013, 07:39:41 pm »


I installed zentyal 3.2 several times with different graphics cards:

Nvidia 610
Nvidia 8400 GS
Nvidia 8600 GS

and all have had the same problem the maximum resolution 1024-768, installing the graphical environment default one.

I've tried updating the drivers Nivida following the steps in different ways (6 in total, including those of the official nvidia) to ubuntu 12.04 server (howto different websites).

At the end when I restart the computer I have the same result in the black screen wil (locked) without using grub to enter recovery mode.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Graphics card / screen resolution
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2013, 10:14:20 am »
I have the same problem, either with Zentyal or ubunutu server 12.04-3. A Desktop Environment with XFCE (Xubuntu 12.04) is absolutely no problem to install.

I found a workaround but that can't be the whole thing: In the grub start screen type e, then scroll to the "spash quiet" entry and change that to "nomodeset". Then  press F10 to restart and you get the zentyal GUI