Author Topic: EBox::Util::Lock::lock  (Read 1655 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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« on: September 20, 2013, 09:59:19 am »
Hi All,

I have Zentyal 2.0 with OpenVPN installed properly. Everything is working just perfect fine when my Zentyal froze and i had to restart the Zentyal. When booting up i see errors dansguardian - fail, apache2  - fail, openvpn - fail. "Run the init script with the no-daemon option - fail. Now My VPN connection won't start and the openvpn daemon does not start as well. I tried to google everything but no luck. When i start the openvpn by running /etc/init.d/ebox openvpn start it keeps on failing and giving error message Could not get lock for service: openvpn. Its so frustrating. Please help