Author Topic: Looking for a sorting script  (Read 1290 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Looking for a sorting script
« on: March 28, 2013, 02:26:10 pm »
Hello. I'm new to Zentyal forum, my name is Xavier, I'm french and I'm 20.

Version of Zentyal used : 3.0-2, installed on a physical machine, testing purposes (I am in work placement).

I am currently looking for the script used by Zentyal to sort a blacklist once it's added through the web panel (categorized lists).

Once I add it (.tar.gz file), everything is extracted under /var/lib/zentyal/files/squid/categories/$MyCategory/blacklists/.

For example, in a directory adult, which contain the domain lists to block for sex related websites, Zentyal is generating a sorted file called domains.squid from the original domains file, I guess.

I was wondering if you could tell me where is located this script which is generating this domains.squid file.

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,



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Re: Looking for a sorting script
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2013, 03:04:32 pm »
Hi Xavier,

I can't help with the script as I'm not running Zentyal V 3.0  :-[
I just had a quick look at your web site and wiki. Interesting and well done ;)
Efficient monkeys there  :P

I've only few comments:

in Zentyal section:
one of your goals is to maintain transparent proxy still keeping authentication
Code: [Select]
Un proxy transparent, et donc qui ne nécessite pas de configuration suplémentaire dans les navigateurs des clients. Si possible garder un système d'authentification.
Be aware that this doesn't work, reason being, basically, that browser is not supposed to accept authentication request (HTTP 407) as proxy is transparent (browser is in fact fooled by default gateway  ;))

In Samba-LDAP section:
do not forget to have a look at nscd especially if goal is to handle significant amount of clients


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Looking for a sorting script
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2013, 04:24:21 pm »
Hi Christian.

Thank you for your answer.

Yea about transparent proxy while keeping an authentication system, I quite fast noticed this wasn't possible. The point is that there is an Hadopi rule saying we must be able to provide logs about which person acceded which resource, during one year. As an administrator of a lan,  if an high authority person come ask you to provide this kind of information, with some luck you can maybe find it and rely it to an ip address, but pretty hard to rely this ip address to an unique person, even more with dhcp service... that's why I've been asked if it was possible to mix transparent proxy with ldap auth. I guess they will have to find another solution for this ;)

My current issue is just this domains.squid file which I'd like to be able to generate like Zentyal, so I can set up another script to automatically update the blacklist.

Oh yea... I wish I could meet these monkeys ! They look pretty cool :)


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Re: Looking for a sorting script
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2013, 04:29:43 pm »
I'm French too and know Hadopi  ;)
My answer to this is WPAD  8)