Author Topic: Zentyal Community "Next steps" meeting  (Read 5210 times)


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Zentyal Community "Next steps" meeting
« on: March 05, 2013, 01:24:25 pm »
We gathered some ideas and possible tasks, we also had time to think about them, so now it is time to settle on those ideas into reality.

Thus a new meeting will be held:
When: the 12th of March (next Tuesday), at 20:00 (CET) (Click here to see your local time).
Where: Though it will probably be a video-meeting, let's start it at IRC channel #zentyal-council at
The goal: Prioritize ideas/tasks and set some resposibles and action points for those ideas/tasks. You can see this reply including some ideas from the last brainstorming-ZCC.

I'd like to encourage all of you to come and give your personal opinion and thoughts, but please, let's make these meetings as agile as possible, so do your homework  ;)
Miguel (Miky) Julián Ramos - Developer
Zentyal - Active Exchange