Author Topic: June/July ZCC meeting  (Read 4119 times)


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June/July ZCC meeting
« on: June 22, 2012, 02:33:06 pm »
This will be the combined June/July ZCC meeting.

When: Wed July 4th 2012, 20:30 CET
Estimated duration: 1.5 hours
Where: IRC channel #zentyal-council at
Who: Everybody interested, Members of ZCC, Zentyal staff, LoCo Forum Moderators


0) Review and approval of minutes of the previous meeting

1) Action points from the previous meeting

2) Points postponed from previous meeting

3) Statusupdate LoCo boards:

    Spanish boards moderated by Acon
    Portugese boards moderated by jquintao
    French boards moderated by Christian
    German boards moderated by Majestyx
    Russian boards moderated by Anthikonov
    Dutch boards moderated by Escorpiom

4) Zentyal Summit: Status + preparations by the community
The idea is to mobilize community members to provide hospitality for community members that want to come over to Zaragoza to attend the summit. So we can keep Hotel costs to a bare minimum.

5) Zentyal 3.0: status and expected outcome, communication of roadmap and progress by José Antonio Calvo

6) Community documentation: status and next actions by Mateo Burillo

7) BHS: status of members and activity; bugs in Launchpad to be monitored

8 ) Any added topics.

If you have any suggestions that need ZCC attention, please post in this topic so we can adjust the agenda.
New topics can be suggested untill Monday 2nd July 24.00h to be covered in this meeting. Suggestions that arrive later will be added to the next ZCC meeting.

Thanks and see you on IRC.

/edit: slightly changed the order of points so Summit and Zentyal 3 will be handled in case of we run out of time.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 09:23:06 pm by robb »