Author Topic: Zentyal 2.2 Roadmap published & fundraising for extra features launched!  (Read 11134 times)

J. A. Calvo

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Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce that the development roadmap for the next stable Zentyal release (Zentyal 2.2) has now been published. Zentyal 2.2 will be a major release that will run on the latest Ubuntu LTS version (Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx) and it will be released in September 2011. The first beta version (Zentyal 2.1) is already out and the first release candidates can be expected by the end of June.

Zentyal 2.2 will ship new features such as IPsec support, UPS management, VM management, Ad-blocker, integration with Kaspersky and Google Accounts and Administrator audit logging. Furthermore, in Zentyal 2.2 the configuration backend has been rewritten with the use of the new features that Redis 2.0 provides, it will include a new i18n system and it will offer faster and easier installer. Important general usability improvements will also take place, new wizards will be added as well as unified shares. You can find the detailed roadmap at trac and give any feedback on the roadmap in this forum.

As Zentyal Development Team's resources are limited, many features the community members and ourselves had hoped to include in this version had to be left out. However, we have decided to launch fundraising campaigns for four new features that Zentyal users have demanded and we have found interesting: Captive Portal, Thin Clients (LTSP Integration), Periodic tasks management (cron) and IPv6 support. If the campaigns succeed, more development resources will be assigned to include these new features in Zentyal 2.2!

Interested in these features? Visit the Fundraising page, donate and spread the word!
Zentyal Server Lead Developer

J. A. Calvo

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Just to let you know that sadly the fundraising period for the IPv6 support already expired and we didn't reach the goal amount. Therefore, this feature won't be present in the Zentyal 2.2 version. Anyway, donations are still accepted for including this feature in Zentyal 3.0.

Also, there has been another change. We finally didn't reach an agreement with Kaspersky, so the integration of their Antivirus software is also being dropped for 2.2. Instead, we are working on a new PPTP module.

Remember that the fundraising for Captive Portal, Thin Clients and Periodic Task Management is still open until June 1st.
Zentyal Server Lead Developer

J. A. Calvo

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Hi again!

We've got fresh news! We've reached the fundraising goal for the Captive Portal feature so it will be included in Zentyal 2.2. Sadly, the other features will have to wait for the next release if there are enough donations (the campaigns are still open).

You can find more info at the official announce:
Zentyal Server Lead Developer

J. A. Calvo

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Hi everybody,

Just to confirm the definitive highlighted features for Zentyal 2.2 that is to be released in next September:

* Performance & usability improvements
* Captive portal
* IPsec support
* PPTP support
* Administrator audit logging
* VM management
* Zarafa 7 integration
* Ad-blocker

You can also see a more complete list of changes on our trac roadmap.

We've tried to develop all the features we initially planned until the very last moment, but two months before the release it has come clear that it won't be possible and we wanted you to know about.
As you can see, eventually we have had to drop Google Accounts and UPS integration. However, it's not all bad news - As Zarafa 7 will be out in August, we have included it, most of the new features are already available for testing and they are all going to be in the first release candidate that is going to be out soon.

It would be great if you had time to help us in testing the beta and RC versions in order to have a great 2.2 version in September!
« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 04:49:44 pm by J. A. Calvo »
Zentyal Server Lead Developer


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Please don't drop Google Accounts!!! I have been planning on its inclusion  :-[


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Re: Zentyal 2.2 Roadmap published & fundraising for extra features launched!
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 10:55:56 am »
Dropping Google Apps support is sad. I was originally planning on dumping ClearOS for Zenyal. Will it be added on future releases?