Guide For Installing Adzapper on EBOX
This is better than other solutions such as a hosts file. With a hosts file the users will see lots of errors all over the pages. This INCREDIBLE software removes the advertisements and in most cases the frame that they occupied.
Benefits: Increased Browsing Space (screen space), Faster Page Loads, Less Bandwidth Load, Less Scrolling, and More Productive Employees
[edit] You need to disable the HTTP Proxy in eBox prior to performing these steps or you will get an error. If you have already tried this and it failed simply disable the HTTP Proxy and try again. Adzapper attempts to stop squid and fails when it cannot.
1. Install Adzapper "sudo apt-get install adzapper"
2. Add the following line to the END of /usr/share/ebox/stubs/squid/squid.conf.mas
url_rewrite_program /usr/bin/adzapper.wrapper
3. Restart the HTTP Proxy service in ebox
4. Enjoy the cheers of happy coworkers
A general note for everyone in the future. If your configuration files need to be modified be sure to check /usr/share/ebox/stubs/ to make sure ebox isn't in control of the settings.
Squid Adzapper squid.conf Advertisements Ads Adblock Increase Network Speed