Author Topic: Duplicated DNS Domain  (Read 1351 times)


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Duplicated DNS Domain
« on: September 20, 2017, 05:02:21 pm »
Hey Guys,

sorry for my bad English, im not a native Speaker.

I use about 5 Zentyal Gateways and im really happy with it. I got a big KVM Environment und manage the whole Network with Zentyal.

My Workflow:
I create about 100 VM´s with a Golden Image ( Windows 2012 R2 ). I´ve create DNS Group and assigne the Static IP Adress via MAC Adress.

That worked prety Awesome. I assigned DNS entrys ( if IP Adress -> then DNS Name ). Worked aswell. If got about 20 VLAN´s.

RDP via DNS is working

My Problem:
The Windows Domain is called Every VLAN got the same Domain.

So i created Zentyal as a DNS Service. Gave him a Domain Name - Domain IP Adress - Hostname etc.

That is working BUT if i create the Second DNS Service - i cant use the Domain again ( of course with other IP Adresses - but the name is the same )

It says " already a Domain with this Name ".

Yeah, that is true. But There are about 20 DNS VLAN´s - everything is different - every DNS Server uses different nic´s and VLAN´s. Just the Domain name is the Same

Can i use the Domain name more then one Time? ( cli? )

The golden Windows Image has this Domain - i cant change the Windows DOmain - it gets deployed like 100 Times...

Thanks a lot