Been searching all over the Internets for "how to make Zentyal proxy anonymous", found lots of outdated info, including explanation of config profiles/hooks based on outdated "ebox" file structure.
Here's what I've done to make squid anonymous in Zentyal.
0) Check whether your proxy is anonymous or not here: Create a file with additional squid settings:
#nano /etc/squid/squid_anonymous.conf
squid_anonymous.conf file contents:
via off
header_access Cache-Control deny all
header_access Proxy-Connection deny all
header_access X-Cache deny all
header_access X-Cache-Lookup deny all
header_access Via deny all
header_access Forwarded-For deny all
header_access X-Forwarded-For deny all
header_access Pragma deny all
header_access Keep-Alive deny all
2) Create HTTP proxy hook to apply additional config every time Zentyal (it's HTTP Proxy) is started:
#nano /etc/zentyal/hooks/squid.postservice
Contents of squid.postservice file is as follows:
echo "include /etc/squid/squid_anonymous.conf" >> /etc/squid/squid.conf
service squid restart
3) squid.postservice is actually a script, so, we need to make it executable:
#chmod +x /etc/zentyal/hooks/squid.postservice
4) That's all.
Restart Zentyal, check proxy anonymity, ..., PROFIT!
It would be nice if Zentyal developers included tick/dropdown boxes for advanced configuration changes.