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Messages - ricardocenteno

Pages: [1]
Directory and Authentication / Re: Not sync roaming profile and slow
« on: December 26, 2019, 01:44:19 pm »

In my experience there are two ways of using roaming profiles wisely: in an ideal world with users who deserve the sysadmin title or through  folder redirection (

I don't understand how nor why did you configure a shared folder to reach this goal. Use the default Zentyal options, simply enable the Roaming Profiles option in the webadmin Domain menu... Zentyal manages all these stuff for you!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I do it this way because I came from Windows AD, I always chose to share a folder in a hidden way, whose Zentyal "does not leave" and where users' profiles are stored. From there I create a roaming profile GPO, so I can have better control for who or to which computer I want to assign the roaming profile through delegations using Group Policy (RSAT).
The curious thing is that when I log in for the first time and log off everything goes perfectly, so I decided to put the saved files from the old profile and everything locked, I decided to do a test with a smaller file volume and it worked too.
I don't know if this is a mistake or something Samba compatibility, but it was to work.

Anyway, thank you very much for the reply, I will try to fit in this new way to realize the mobile profile.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Directory and Authentication / Not sync roaming profile and slow
« on: December 24, 2019, 11:46:24 pm »
Hello everyone.
I installed the zentyal server to be AD and File Server, among the features, decided to share a folder to behave as roaming profile, put the ACL for all users of the domain. In a local profile with 1.5gb of files stayed for over 40 minutes on a GB network.
I noticed that the zentyal storage space jumped from 12GB occupied to 52GB, I went to check and noticed the syslog file that was this size. I could not open the file to interpret the log, it seems that in some process of profile copying, something is looping.
Has anyone caught this problem?
PS: Translated Google Translate. :)

Directory and Authentication / Re: Share a hide folder
« on: November 23, 2019, 06:37:37 pm »
How do I disable this Zentyal imposition?

Directory and Authentication / Re: Share a hide folder
« on: November 21, 2019, 10:25:13 pm »

Read this:


Hello doncamilo.
What would I have to do then? Ali shows the example of DNS, but I tried to do samba and couldn't, can you help me?
I want to create shares that will be hidden, will be responsible for users roaming profiles.
I thank you for your attention.

Directory and Authentication / Share a hide folder
« on: November 16, 2019, 10:56:46 pm »
Hello everyone!
I have some difficulty performing a hidden share using Zentyal. Every time I change the line "browsable = no" in the shares.conf file located in / etc / samba / it seems that the file returns to its original state. I tried to copy the share information and paste it in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file, but when I restart, all the information contained in the file is erased. How do I perform this hidden sharing? The goal is to create the roaming profile without the home folder, for example: \\srv-files\profile_user$ (as done in Windows).
Grateful for the attention.

Boa tarde! estou com uma duvida, criei vários usuários em setores diferentes e coloquei uma senha padrão para logarem no AD, o problema é que como faço para modificar a senha no próximo login.... sem ter que fazer via terminal um de cada vez  :-\

Instale o pacote RSAT para o Windows e faça através de Usuários e computadores do active directory

Portuguese / Re: problema com o compartilhamento homedirectory Samba
« on: October 28, 2019, 01:35:18 am »
Olá, estou usando: vou substituir meus servidor windows 2008 server por linux para controlador de domínio e file server.

- Zentyal 6 como Controlador de Domínio(srv-01) e Compartilhamento de Arquivos (srv-02)
- Samba na versão  4.7.6
- As maquinas são estação Windows 7, Windows  8 e Windows 10.

Alguém teve problema com o compartilhamento de pasta no zentyal?
Já desabilitei a opção perfil remoto, quota, mas mesmo assim ele cria um mapeamento quando loga

Preciso que não crie o o compartilhamento automático (srv-01 9 - que é o diretorio home do usuario) pois esse compartilhamento é do meu Controlador de Dominio e não do File Server é no file server esta certo pois só esta compartilhando de forma automatica as pastas dos setores por grupo.


Olá juliocp1976 e Tiago

Entre com o RSAT no Windows, na opção Usuários e Computadores do Active Directory e na aba perfil móvel, você desabilita a pasta de mapear automaticamente.

Espero ter ajudado.

Directory and Authentication / RPC service in Zentyal
« on: October 26, 2019, 04:46:35 pm »
Hello everyone.
I am having problem on Zentyal Server in file sharing feature because I want to use RSAT on Windows 10 1903 - File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) and am having the error of "RPC server is not available on computer ... This can happen when a connection cannot be established due to a block by Windows Firewall. "

I already made rule allowing everything in both Firewalls but to no avail has anyone experienced this problem?
Thanks in advance for your help.

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