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Messages - federicososa

Pages: [1]
Hello Everyone,

i have trouble after upgrading to 22.04 - Zentyal 8.
after recovering the whole system due complications while upgrading - it powered off. Ubuntu is running correctly again. but Domain Controller and File Sharing and OpenVPN cant be reinstalled, i had it installed and now they are missing. Configuration files are there but every time i try to reinstall i get the message that there are not available packages.
i did this to get the available packages

dpkg -l

and these packages are listed as RC zentyal-ips (7.0.0), zentyal-openvpn (7.1.0), zentyal-samba (7.1.0) and Zentyal-ucp (6.2.0)...

no matter what is do (apt update, upgrade, rebooting and trying again, there is no way to reisntall Domain Controller and VPN....

any clues how can i fix this?

Thanks for you help!!

Installation and Upgrades / Re: i cant login on Web Interface -
« on: December 04, 2023, 09:56:43 am »
Hi Thanks for the Reply.

yeap, i created an user named johnDoe and gave him all rights and still no chance to get in.

Installation and Upgrades / i cant login on Web Interface -
« on: November 16, 2023, 04:09:54 pm »
Hi everyone,

im trying to login in the web interface, but it keeps saying that the password is incorrect - yeap i check it many times - i can login with the password in the desktop, ssh and as sudo but i can login on the website.
according to the zentyal.log

2023/11/16 15:55:14 DEBUG> Authen::Simple::PAM::check - Failed to authenticate user 'hereMyUsername' using service 'zentyal'. Reason: 'Authentication failure'
2023/11/16 15:55:14 WARN> EBox::Middleware::Auth::_login - Failed login from:

Can somebody give a hint? i tried already to make a new user, and give it the rights like the original ZentyalAdmin but still no success..


Spanish / Actualizacion a Ubuntu 20
« on: November 29, 2022, 01:23:46 pm »
Buenas Tardes a todos.

hace tiempo me aparece la informacion que puedo actualizar a la siguiente version de ubuntu.
Hay alguien que haya hecho la actualizacion sin problemas? mejor dicho si hago la actualizacion, terminara sin problemas o hay problemas que aparecen luego de la actualizacion?


German / ARP Cache Poisoning
« on: February 04, 2021, 05:08:56 pm »
Hallo Alle zusammen,

ich hab ein kleines vorfall, ich habe Zentyal 6.2.6 und ich habe ESET internet security auf alle clients installiert.
in unregelmäßigen abständen bekomme ich von esset eine Meldung ARP Cache Poisoning, mein server habe ich mehrmals auf Viren/Rootkit und Spyware überprüft aber zum glück nichts gefunden. nun ist die frage wieso krige ich diese meldung und ist das in ordnung so? hat jemand das auch schon mal gehabt?


Other modules / SAMBA/ACDC Fails constantly
« on: October 19, 2020, 12:17:41 pm »
i know this will never be answered, but i try.

i have a domain with max 10 Computers in the Office.
my Zentyal server has a static IP

the rest of the computers have
the problem that i have no is that the clients can not ping the server, but the server can ping the Clients.
on the firewall i made the change that ports from 32500-32900 are for docker applications no other change.
when i shut the firewall of, it is possible for the Client to ping the server and to connect (sync files and conf)
otherwise i keep having the message that the roaming profile is not being completely synchronized.

i also spend 29 EUR on the bloody "eBook" but is so useful like a fridge in Northpole.

it would be nice if someone can help with this problem.


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Apache Running but i cannot reach 8080
« on: October 11, 2018, 11:51:34 am »
thanks for your answer.

where can i find why the server ist not working the one in /public_www/html/ for example.

My admin side is working correctly but when i go to my page http://servername/ i see the message from chrome saying that the page is not available.


Installation and Upgrades / Apache Running but i cannot reach 8080
« on: October 10, 2018, 09:49:04 am »
Hello everybody,

i have a question, zentyal is running "normally" i use it just for MSSQL vNext (possibly to uses it later as mail server) the problem is that the server is reachable now through the port 8443 (admin side) but when i try to reach it through 8080 or directl http://localhost or http://servername or there is no way to reach it. my firewall is completely turned off, because my PDC cannot reach zentyal and then the users are not beeing sync both ways.

does any one have an idea?

thanks in Advance.

Installation and Upgrades / Problem with Zentyal Samba and MSSQL vNext
« on: October 01, 2018, 10:31:13 am »
Hi everyone!

is there a way to keep Zentyal-Samba and also install MSSQL vNext? everytime i install Samba vNext removes and reverse.

Does anyone have the same problem?


German / Rechte vom Home Folder und andere Verloren.
« on: February 08, 2018, 09:20:59 am »
Hallo Alle Zusammen,

ich habe mich gerade auf meinem Client angemeldet, als ich dann meinem Home Folder und andere foldern aufmachen wollte (Wie jeden tag) bekam ich die meldung dass ich keinen Zugriff mehr habe?

Wie kann das passieren? gestern funktionierte noch alles richtig.
Und ich bin der Administrator - Domain Admin.

Hi everyone,

i just logged in on my client PC, and as i wanted to open my Home Folder and others i became the message that i dont have the permissions to open them.
How can this happen? yesterday everything worked perfectly.
I'm the Administrator and the Domain Admin.


German / Re: Zentyal und MS SQL
« on: October 22, 2017, 03:03:27 pm »
so i installed it. as follow.

i installed ubuntu SErver... on ubuntu server installed MSSQL. after that I copied the Source.list

Then I installed Zentyal from scratch... updated.

Copied the Information of the Source.list (ubuntu) to Source.List in Zentral. (Just the lines with the Microsoft information)

Installed Synaptic. Searched MSSQL on Synaptic (so was all installed without deleting Zentral)

German / Re: Zentyal und MS SQL
« on: October 14, 2017, 06:03:23 pm »
Hi. Thomas

Yes i am talking about Microsoft SQL Server. MSSQL 2017 is kompatible with the last Version of ubuntu. But i cant install it on zentyal or as i wrote if i install ubuntu Server and then i Try to install zentyal übt doesnt work.

I will post the Messages. 

Spanish / Re: Zentyal 3.4 Domain Controller y SQL SERVER 2008 R2
« on: October 12, 2017, 05:31:56 pm »

el post es un poco viejo pero me encuentro en el mismo problema, quisiera instalar MSSQL Server en Zentyal 5.0 pero no lo consigo, has podido instalarlo?


German / Zentyal und MS SQL
« on: October 12, 2017, 05:22:27 pm »
Hallo Alle zusammen,

ich versuche erfolgt los, MS SQL in zentyal zu installieren. ich habe zentyal installiert alles korrekt, aber bei der apt-get-repository bekomme ich den fehler dass der command existiert nicht bzw. not found.
dann hatte ich versuch anders zu machen in ubuntu Server läufte MS SQL perfekt, könnte ich installieren und lief gut, aber ich konnte Zentyal nicht installieren, nach apt-get install zentyal (mit den repository) kam der Fehler - zentyal braucht *-core und noch ein anderen  habe ich alle geschrieben apt-get install zentyal zentyal-core zentyal-* fehlte libclone*** was auch nicht installierbar war,.

hat jemand eine Idee wie ich das machen kann?

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