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Messages - m.ardito

Pages: [1]
...after a reboot or two, it seems to behave now...


now I configured the eth0 dhcp, rebooted...

runlevel still2
it boots at console, not gui!

can login and startx brings me lxdm...


I would like to automatically start lxdm but asking login/password...



I just installed from ISO on physical minimal server, with md-raid 1, a small boot partition and lvm on top of the rest, with root and swap lvs.
I skipped packages install and updates (up to now it's a basic 3.0.16) as the server is not yet attached to network, so I work at the physical console, but it boots directly to the desktop, without asking passwords...

is this normal?!? how can I limit local login by asking usual user/passwords?

btw,  /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf has
#autologin dgod
(is commented)

runlevel seems to be 2...

Zentyal motto being to replace Windows server

... I've never seen this motto, anywhere on zentyal site, and I feel that replacing Active directory should be just another service but not mandatory, just to share files... sounds as a limitation, to me...

I'll evaluate which next steps to take...


I'm a zentyal ultranewbie... but have some experience in windows/linux systems.

I'm testing a zentyal 3 server for a remote small (2 people) office, and I'm trying to provide the most useful services, but keeping it simple as possibile.

I wish to enable a simple file repository win-compatibile, so I installed (but not yet activated) the "file sharing and domain services".

under office > file sharing > general settings the only choice is between "domain controller" and "additional domain controller"... so, is it mandatory to have a DC?

I'm actually testing that server in my AD 2003 lan environment, so I want to be sure that there will be no interaction between my lan clients and that server: is it possible or should I set up a separate lan for testing? I looked for that in docs and on the big G, and here on the forums somewhat, but can't find something clear enough to be sure.

Any advice, hint or link to follow?

Thanks, all

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