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Installation and Upgrades / Re: WebAdmin Issue
« on: January 08, 2021, 10:49:24 am »
Did your Zentyal upgrade to the latest version? I guess that would be Zentyal Core 6.2.4 and Zentyal Certification Authority 6.2.0
That recent update screws up with the certificate path for nginx. Even I faced the same issue and was left with no other choice but to restore the entire DC from previous backup. Nothing else seemed to work.
There was also a possible solution posted here:,35112.0.html
I did not get the chance to try the solution, maybe you can try it out.
Did your Zentyal upgrade to the latest version? I guess that would be Zentyal Core 6.2.4 and Zentyal Certification Authority 6.2.0
That recent update screws up with the certificate path for nginx. Even I faced the same issue and was left with no other choice but to restore the entire DC from previous backup. Nothing else seemed to work.
There was also a possible solution posted here:,35112.0.html
I did not get the chance to try the solution, maybe you can try it out.
Installation and Upgrades / Re: upgrade to 6.2.5 from 6.2.4 chashed server
« on: January 04, 2021, 06:28:58 pm »I ended up just making a fresh install and restoring from a backup I luckly had made that morning
How did you back up the AD? Is there any backup solution available for the development edition apart from image backups?
Installation and Upgrades / Re: upgrade to 6.2.5 from 6.2.4 chashed server
« on: January 04, 2021, 07:52:19 am »I ran into the same problem - my webadmin stopped working recently, probably due to an automatic upgrade. When I manually restart the webadmin service I see errors like the following:Yes this was the same error that I had received when I dug more into the issue. I did manage to install my previous backup image but it has screwed up AD replication. Working on getting that solved out...
nginx[4584]: nginx: [emerg] SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file("/var/lib/zentyal/conf/ssl/ssl.key") failed (SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch)
Indicative of some sort of issue with the certificates but I can't figure out how to fix it.
I'm not able to revert to the previous version since I don't have the earlier version of the packages at hand. Looks like both zentyal-core and zentyal-ca were updated recently (to 6.2.5 and 6.2.1, respectively).
Installation and Upgrades / Re: upgrade to 6.2.5 from 6.2.4 chashed server
« on: January 02, 2021, 03:45:27 pm »I upgraded to 6.2.5 this morning. At first it errored with an apt error about the certificate but I found online where to correct that and ran the update.
Now Zentyal is not running right. I have no GUI, domain control, etc.
The main error I am seeing is in the zentyal.logCode: [Select]EBox::WebAdmin::_CAs - Ignoring CA /var/lib/zentyal/conf/remoteservices/subscription/zdomain/cacert.pem: cannot read the file or not is a regular file
I checked the status of each module (zs module status)
The only one that shows as stopped is webadmin.
I am not an expert here but is that not saying that the only issue is the cert file (.pem) is corrupted? and if so can I reissue from CLI or is that anything to do to restore the GUI so I can issue it?
Even I faced the same issue. Seems to be a bug with 6.2.5... The DC was functioning properly I guess (Everything loaded well on RSAT tools and I could change group memberships which reflected on the user accounts as well). Only the webadmin had an issue. The nginx server was not able to start in my case. After checking the status of zentyal.webadmin-nginx.service there was an error saying that starting the service failed with error "exit-code" The reason that it mentioned was that "start request for the service was repeated too quickly. Exiting with exit-code"
I still cannot point out to the exact cause. Maybe there was some issue with the webadmin certificate- a mismatch of the key and the cert. Had to revert to the previous version to prevent the users from facing login issues. Let me know if you get a solution to this problem.
Directory and Authentication / Re: Unable to get a lab software to Zentyal domain
« on: November 28, 2020, 07:44:32 am »hi! could be problem on version of protocol smb, WIn2008 run smb2.1, but samba(4.7.6) on zentyal is run smb3.11, if I remember correctly. What version smb run Agilent OpenLab softwares?
Hi! Thanks for replying. Actually, their software does run on server 2019 as well. Server 2019 uses smb 3.11 right? According to what their team told me, their software uses the netapi32.dll to communicate with the domain controller. Is that of any help? Their software mentions an error about incorrect credentials, but in reality, it is unable to find the server when I check it in the logs. I am unable to attach a screenshot here, so here's the link -->
Expected exception: Agilent.OpenLab.SharedServices.Exceptions.ProviderNotAvailableException: The server is unavailable. ---> System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapException: The server is unavailable. ---> System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryOperationException: The server is unavailable.
I used server 2008 in test lab just because it was available with me and samba's functional level could be raised to 2008 as well.
Directory and Authentication / Unable to get a lab software to Zentyal domain
« on: November 27, 2020, 02:43:27 pm »
We have recently started testing out Zentyal as a prospective alternative to Windows AD for our organization. However, some of the softwares used by our instruments are unable to connect to the Zentyal AD. They are mainly Agilent OpenLab softwares. They connect very easily with Windows server AD (have tested with server 2008). However, none of the OpenLab softwares connect to the Zentyal AD. Is there any fundamental difference between the way samba handles AD connections and the way that windows server handles it? I am attaching some of the software logs that were generated and frequently referred to by the Agilent team.
PS: I am new into active directory implementation and hence it would be very helpful if some of the experts in Zentyal can guide me to get this software working.
Software log when trying to connect to Zentyal:
[activitylog][2020-11-27T16:35:54.234+05:30][Info][17fc:19]:Last indexed log entry: 549
[lucene][2020-11-27T16:35:54.308+05:30][Info][17fc:19]:Lucene committed
[activitylog][2020-11-27T16:35:54.330+05:30][Info][17fc:19]:Last indexed log entry: 550
[activitylog][2020-11-27T16:35:54.434+05:30][Info][17fc:19]:Last indexed log entry: 550
[lucene][2020-11-27T16:35:54.519+05:30][Info][17fc:19]:Lucene committed
[activitylog][2020-11-27T16:35:54.547+05:30][Info][17fc:19]:Last indexed log entry: 551
[][2020-11-27T16:38:41.453+05:30][Warning][17fc:33]:Expected exception: Agilent.OpenLab.SharedServices.Exceptions.ProviderNotAvailableException: The server is unavailable. ---> System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapException: The server is unavailable. ---> System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryOperationException: The server is unavailable.
at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.ConstructResponse(Int32 messageId, LdapOperation operation, ResultAll resultType, TimeSpan requestTimeOut, Boolean exceptionOnTimeOut)
at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request, TimeSpan requestTimeout)
at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request)
at Agilent.OpenLab.Security.WindowsMembershipManager.Ldap.LdapExtensions.FindOne(LdapConnection connection, String distinguishedName, String filter, SearchScope scope, String[] attributes)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Agilent.OpenLab.Security.WindowsMembershipManager.Ldap.LdapExtensions.FindOne(LdapConnection connection, String distinguishedName, String filter, SearchScope scope, String[] attributes)
at Agilent.OpenLab.Security.WindowsMembershipManager.LdapMembershipManager`1.ReadServerInfo()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Agilent.OpenLab.Security.WindowsMembershipManager.LdapMembershipManager`1.ReadServerInfo()
at Agilent.OpenLab.Caching.CacheExtension.TryGet[TKey,TValue](ICache`2 cache, TKey key, Func`1 realAction)
at Agilent.OpenLab.Security.WindowsMembershipManager.LdapMembershipManager`1..ctor(WinMembershipManagerConfig config, Boolean resetServerInfoCache)
at Agilent.OpenLab.Administration.Service.AuthenticationAndStorageManager.GetWinDomains(WindowsDomainParams authParams)
at Agilent.OpenLab.Administration.Service.AuthenticationAndStorageManager.CheckWinDomainParameters(WindowsDomainParams authParams)
Please let me know any additional information that might be needed.
PS: I am new into active directory implementation and hence it would be very helpful if some of the experts in Zentyal can guide me to get this software working.
Software log when trying to connect to Zentyal:
[activitylog][2020-11-27T16:35:54.234+05:30][Info][17fc:19]:Last indexed log entry: 549
[lucene][2020-11-27T16:35:54.308+05:30][Info][17fc:19]:Lucene committed
[activitylog][2020-11-27T16:35:54.330+05:30][Info][17fc:19]:Last indexed log entry: 550
[activitylog][2020-11-27T16:35:54.434+05:30][Info][17fc:19]:Last indexed log entry: 550
[lucene][2020-11-27T16:35:54.519+05:30][Info][17fc:19]:Lucene committed
[activitylog][2020-11-27T16:35:54.547+05:30][Info][17fc:19]:Last indexed log entry: 551
[][2020-11-27T16:38:41.453+05:30][Warning][17fc:33]:Expected exception: Agilent.OpenLab.SharedServices.Exceptions.ProviderNotAvailableException: The server is unavailable. ---> System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapException: The server is unavailable. ---> System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryOperationException: The server is unavailable.
at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.ConstructResponse(Int32 messageId, LdapOperation operation, ResultAll resultType, TimeSpan requestTimeOut, Boolean exceptionOnTimeOut)
at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request, TimeSpan requestTimeout)
at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request)
at Agilent.OpenLab.Security.WindowsMembershipManager.Ldap.LdapExtensions.FindOne(LdapConnection connection, String distinguishedName, String filter, SearchScope scope, String[] attributes)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Agilent.OpenLab.Security.WindowsMembershipManager.Ldap.LdapExtensions.FindOne(LdapConnection connection, String distinguishedName, String filter, SearchScope scope, String[] attributes)
at Agilent.OpenLab.Security.WindowsMembershipManager.LdapMembershipManager`1.ReadServerInfo()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Agilent.OpenLab.Security.WindowsMembershipManager.LdapMembershipManager`1.ReadServerInfo()
at Agilent.OpenLab.Caching.CacheExtension.TryGet[TKey,TValue](ICache`2 cache, TKey key, Func`1 realAction)
at Agilent.OpenLab.Security.WindowsMembershipManager.LdapMembershipManager`1..ctor(WinMembershipManagerConfig config, Boolean resetServerInfoCache)
at Agilent.OpenLab.Administration.Service.AuthenticationAndStorageManager.GetWinDomains(WindowsDomainParams authParams)
at Agilent.OpenLab.Administration.Service.AuthenticationAndStorageManager.CheckWinDomainParameters(WindowsDomainParams authParams)
Please let me know any additional information that might be needed.
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