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Messages - regenersis

Pages: [1]
ad sync seems fine and no errors for users :-(

Where would i find the password sync messages?

I now seem to have this working to an extent. Please ensure if you are using zentyal 2.2, to use zentyal-migration-tool-2.2 the and not the zentyal-adsync-2.0.1 (zentyal 2.0 version) for syncing your windows AD server to zentyal users and groups module.

It seems if you create a new user in AD and populate the full name, user logon name and user logon name (pre-Windows 2000) with exactly the same data e.g. jsmith Then allow the 5 mins for zentyal to sync, authentication works (note i tested via the http proxy/squid module using IE9)

You can then populate AD with the remaining user details. Although this works it is no good for someone like me who had an already populated AD server with over 1000 users!

Any help would be appreciated....

Exactly the same issue here, i should mention it i couldnt authenticate on version 2.0 of zentyal either :-\

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