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Messages - ctucc99

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Installation and Upgrades / Re: Redundant Zentyal servers
« on: December 16, 2015, 04:19:50 pm »
Thank you for the info!

We did this fix when we encountered it (after running the 4.2 update via the Dashboard)...  we followed your instructions, rolled back the Kernel and it fixed it  (Thank you very much for posting this).

My question now however is in my Dashboard, I am at 4.2.1 and I now have 2 component updates and 43 system updates queued up for installation.  Can I install these via the Dashboard or am I going to run into the same issue again?  (IE am I going to continually have to roll back the kernel each time I run Zentyal updates now?)

Installation and Upgrades / Redundant Zentyal servers
« on: December 09, 2015, 06:07:43 pm »
Sorry if this topic has been posted and beat to death (I could not locate exactly what I was looking for, so I posted it as a new topic).

Small company (<30 desktops) and installed Zentyal as a replacement for aging MS AD server.  So far no complaints - Zentyal is doing the job fine and I am about 80% done migrating my users to it.

Question I have is:  I know I can back up all my server configurations through the backup utility on the Dashboard - but is there a way I can build a secondary Zentyal server for redundancy in case the first server fails?   I guess in the same vein as MS PDC/BDC.   My fear is that my main Zentyal server goes down and that the only option I have is to restore it's configuration backup to another server (which will most certainly cause downtime for my users).

I would rather have 2 servers running together actively backing each other's configurations up with the secondary server taking over (for user authentication, DNS, VPN, etc.) automatically should the primary server fail.

Can anyone offer any resources/links or suggestions for setting this up?

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