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Topics - txsastre

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Installation and Upgrades / Win 2003 PDC - Zentyal 2.0 slave, problems
« on: September 20, 2011, 01:45:33 pm »
Hello everybody.

SCENARIO : windows PDC, zentyal slave dc

I've followed this manual, , and everything worked as spected, now I can see the grups and users in the zentyal server, wich works now as a slave dc


ip : / 24
DNS (itself)
gateway (router) :

IP :
gateway (router) :


1 - when I shut down the win PDC, I cannot login to the domain via zentyal... it should work, isn't it ?
2 - when I share folder via Zentyal, I cannot access to them, it asks me for an user/password ... it should use the domain user/password I am logged in, isn't it ?


I've tried to disable the option [ ] enable PDC in File Sharing -> General settings. With this change now I can see the server in the network folder of the domain, but no lucky trying to access to the shared files.

anybody can help me.

thank you very much

by the way I tried with 2.2 but I received an error when trying to sync users.

Installation and Upgrades / reenter password pam_mount
« on: August 18, 2011, 11:56:22 am »

I still trying to mount remote volumens by user.

I've almost done it with pam_mount, but now I have a new "bug". Whenever I start a new session, 2 passwords are asked to me.

The first one is the LDAP (the normal login when you are integrated with zentyal), the second one is related to pam_mount, and its the same as the first one. And it works, but obviusly I don't want to write the password twice.

What I have done ?, I used Zentyal-desktop to easily integrate de client with zentyal ldap, and then installed libpam-mount to theorically automate the connection with samba volumens.

I've modified /etc/pam.d/gdm and added this 2 lines
auth         optional
session     optional

and modified : /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml
<volume user="*" fstype="cifs" server="" path="dades" mountpoint="/home/%(USER)/Escritorio/dades" options="iocharset=utf8" />

any clues ? thank you.

He estado haciendo muchas pruebas al respecto, pero todas las ocasiones tengo el mismo resultado.

Desde el Ubuntu 10.04, he instalado zentyal desktop y no puedo acceder a las carpetas compartidas, cada vez que hago clic en el icono de la compartida siempre me pregunta por un usuario de dominio y clave. Y además, sólo enlaza a la carpeta personal del usuario, no a todas las carpetas que usuario tiene permiso para aceder.

no está funcionando como tal cual nos dice el manual de zentyal-desktop:

"Nautilus (compartir archivos): Enlaces a la cuota de usuario de samba y todas las acciones de grupo para el usuario se agregan en el escritorio."
"Otro ejemplo del mismo usuario que pertenecen a dos nuevos grupos con Samba comparte habilitado y en ejecución de Firefox con la pantalla de inicio de sesión de usuario Zentyal esquina."

¿Puede alguien decirme cómo puedo hacer para que funciones como deberia hacer ?.


I've been doing a lot of test about this, but all the times the same problem.

From an Ubuntu 10.04, I have installed zentyal-desktop and I cannot acces to the shared folders, whenever I click on the icon of the shared it always ask me for a user-domain-password. And also, it only links to the user personal folder, no to all the folders where the user belong to.

it's not working as related in the zentyal-desktop manual :

"Nautilus (File sharing): Links to the samba user share and all group shares for the user are added on the desktop."
"Another example of the same user belonging to two new groups with Samba Share enabled and running firefox with the Zentyal user corner login screen."

Can anybody tell me how can I do this work as expected ?.

thank you !

Spanish / zentyal-desktop linux, problema samba
« on: June 01, 2011, 05:11:08 pm »
hola a todos

llevo probando zentyal durante 4 dias y me parece perfecto, ya que mi idea es la de migrar los servidores windows que tenemos hacia servidores linux y esta herramienta simlifica mucho las operaciones y me parece estupenda. Pero me he entrado con un problema.

He usado zentyal-desktop sobre un ubuntu 10.04 64bits siguiendo este enlace .

Ahora puede validarme a la maquina con el LDAP, en el escritorio me sale un link con el perfil del usuario que se crea en el server zentyal, pero no me salen los otros links de recursos compartidos como dice la documentación.

Si pulso sobre este link del home o bien, a traves de la red voy a servidor e intento entrar en una carpeta donde tenga permisos establecidos, se abre una pantalla pidiendome el password y el domino.

Segun la documentación, entiendo que esto tambien tendria que funcionar sin tener que estar validando de nuevo el usuario.

a alguno le ha ocurrido esto ?

alguna sugerencia ?

gracias y enhorabuena por el producto.

Installation and Upgrades / zentyal-desktop linux no samba
« on: June 01, 2011, 02:55:08 pm »
hello everybody.

I've been testing zentyal for 4 days, and I believe that is pefect, but I have some problems.

I've tried to use zentyal-desktop on a ubuntu 10.04 desktopy, following this link .

Now i can validate user via LDAP, but on the desktop I can see the samba link where I have acceess, but when I click on it, it ask me for password and domain. As I can see in the howto, its seems that the samba should be configured as well.

can anyone tell me what's wrong ?

thank you

PD. I've made a mistake, via Samba I can only see a link to the user home, not the other shared directorys, by the way, whenever I click on it the password and domain is also asked. Same happens when I inspect the network and try to open an shared diretory (where I haver rights, of course)

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