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Topics - l00gan

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Installation and Upgrades / Active Directory domain name [SOLVED]
« on: January 17, 2014, 03:39:34 pm »
Hello - I've decided to deploy second DC and try force Zentyal to do the job. Unfortunatly I've found little problem, and I'm stuck. It seems it's above my knowledge - so I'll try my luck here.

I've got DC settled on MS Windows Server 2008R2, where domain is named just "GOOYE". There is no dot, and second part for example as in default behavior: zentyal-domain.lan. When I try do change domain under System->General menu, even when there is no aditional modules installed (without Samba + AD, Users, DNS) it gives me an error: Invalid value for domain name: GOOYE. I realized that it needs secont part after dot to accept this, but it means I need to change entire MS Windows AD and thats impossible. To set up second DC based on Zentyal  I need to make them work in the same domain at first! I've tried go deeper into structure of /, but I see no files containing ".lan". Before I'll install other modules (DNS, SAMBA AD and USERS) I need to set the realm... Is there any way to force Zentyal to accept single domain name?

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