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Could you give more specific details about the configuration? For example:

- Network interfaces configuration
    - (DHCP, static, bridge...)
    - Gateways,
- Output of the ip route show command to see the routes and gateways.
- Static routes configuration.
- Load balancing rules
- WAN Failover rules
- Netplan configuration file, usually /etc/netplan/netplan.yaml

Without the above, people might not be able to reproduce it.

Installation and Upgrades / After upgrade from 7.1 to 8.0 gateway is not working fine
« Last post by ocid on August 24, 2024, 05:37:52 pm »
Hi there,
after upgrage Zentyal form 7.1 to 8.0, all is working fine but gateway.

I have 3 network interfaces, one internal and two externals. Before the upgrade, all input traffic by the external interfaces was forwarded right to the local network.

With Zentyal 8, only "the default gateway" forward the traffic to the local network, the other one doesn't forward the traffic. If I'll change the default gw on the webadmin it doesn't work (no switching to the other external interface). Forwarding only works if I "disable" the first external interface, then input traffic is well redirected to the local network.

I built from scratch Zentyal 8 restoring the configuration backup of the upgraded Zentyal, but fail is persisting. Any suggestion?

Thx in advance.
I have done the steps outlined in the first entry of this post and after un-enabling Dynamic DNS Options, then re-enabling all seems fine.

I can now reverse lookup IP addresses using nslookup.

There are now no errors in the logs.
However, on looking a bit further I do have:


Which contains a secret key!

Is this for something else?
thank you very much:

I have a dhcpuser and the  /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log has:

 # If the domain user is present
Creating dhcpduser for dynamic dns DON'T NEED, ignore step

but I don't have:


I'm not sure why it was not created but it looks like I need to create it using the steps in the log

The special DHCP domain user (dhcpduser) is created by Zentyal when the Dynamic DHCP option is selected and the Domain Controller is enabled. Below you have two links with the configuration that Zentyal applies.


Also, note that in the log file /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log you should have records like the following depending on your setup:

Code: [Select]
# If the domain user is present
Creating dhcpduser for dynamic dns DON'T NEED, ignore step

# If the domain user is created
Creating dhcpduser for dynamic dns

This world is ours, and by the Holy Light, we will keep it safe, now and forever.
OK it's Aug 23 12:09 and there are 141 views but no comment.

Could I ask in a slightly different way?

Could someone check if they have a /etc/dhcp/samba-keys/dhcpduser.keytab

ls -l /etc/dhcp/samba-keys/ should do it and indicate what XXXX:XXXX is - presumable root:dhcpd ?

Checking the logs before upgrading from 7.1.3 to 8.0 the only entry I see that may be problematical is the following in /var/log/syslog

Aug 21 16:38:50 my-server sh[34182]: Required keytab /etc/dhcp/samba-keys/dhcpduser.keytab not found, it needs to be created.
Aug 21 16:38:50 my-server sh[34182]: Use the following commands as root
Aug 21 16:38:50 my-server sh[34182]: samba-tool domain exportkeytab --principal=dhcpduser@MYDOMAIN.LAN /etc/dhcp/samba-keys/dhcpduser.keytab
Aug 21 16:38:50 my-server sh[34182]: chown XXXX:XXXX /etc/dhcp/samba-keys/dhcpduser.keytab
Aug 21 16:38:50 my-server sh[34182]: Replace 'XXXX:XXXX' with the user & group that dhcpd runs as on your distro
Aug 21 16:38:50 my-server sh[34182]: chmod 400 /etc/dhcp/samba-keys/dhcpduser.keytab

The current system 7.1.3 appears to be functioning OK.

Does anyone know if this is spurious or does it need actioning?

Spanish / Re: Servicio de Radius no inicia despues de actualizar a ver 8
« Last post by luis.apodaca on August 15, 2024, 01:07:41 am »
disculpen la tardanza en contestar pero estuve buscando respuesta en otros lados y al no tener mejor opción regrese el servidor a un punto de restauración anterior a la versión 8.3 y con eso pude salir de la urgencia, aunque el problema sigue y quisiera darle solución

estoy retomando el tema y ya actualice Zentyal a la versión 8.0.4, el problema sigue !!

cuando aplico los comandos que aporta turalyon (gracias por ayudar)
journalctl -xeu freeradius.service
journalctl --no-pager -u freeradius

el resultado mas notable es
zentyal-radius systemd [1]: freeradius.service: control process exited, code=exited, status=1/failure
zentyal-radius systemd [1]: freeradius.service: failed with result ´exit-code´
zentyal-radius systemd [1]: failed to start freeradius multi-protocol policy server

alguien tendrá idea de como resolver ?, de antemano gracias !
This issue affects Outlook CalDav Synchronizer as well.   
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