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Messages - justinesmithies

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / Zentyal beta repository
« on: July 03, 2012, 09:53:32 am »
Where can i download the latest files to make my own upto date beta iso to test ?
Or is the Beta download link the latest ?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Time based acl with filtering
« on: June 25, 2012, 09:07:06 pm »
Anyone help i think i have come up with a better idea by just having a script run that uses iptables to block certain ip's internet access but still allowing local network access.

Would this work to disable the the client with ip access to the internet leaving local network access intact ?

iptables -I FORWARD -s -j DROP

Would this work to enable the the client with ip access to the internet leaving local network access intact ?

iptables -D FORWARD -s -j DROP

If the above is correct how can i use the same command but for a range of ip's not just one without multiple iptable lines ?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Time based acl with filtering
« on: June 25, 2012, 07:47:37 pm »
I think i have the answer.

1. Setup a cronjob that runs ifconfig wlan0 down at a set time and also writes into a file called network-status a zero.

2. Have a script run at bootup that checks the file network-status and if it contains a zero then run ifconfig wlan0 down again.
This will stop anybody near the server from rebooting it to gain access on wlan0 again until the set time for access is allowed.

3. Setup a cronjob that runs ifconfig wlan0 up at a set time and writes a one into network-status .

Will post the code examples etc once i have it running.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Time based acl with filtering
« on: June 25, 2012, 07:22:33 pm »
Thanx but what i really need i think is to setup a cron job that runs a script which turns off interface LAN0 at a specific time then back on at a specific time there by denying them access at specific times.

Anybody got any hints / scripts ?

Installation and Upgrades / Time based acl with filtering
« on: June 25, 2012, 12:18:32 pm »
I know Zentyal cannot do time based acl with filtering due to dansguardian.
But i have users all with static ip's on lan0 that i need to keep filtered using dansgauardian but i would also like to restrict their access to the internet during certain times.
I don't want to force them to use a captive portal they just go through the normal proxy as i have port 80 blocked to stop them turning off the proxy setting on their browsers.
Can someone help me out so i can also restrict their internet access during set hours but they can still use the home network ?
I am capable of going in via the cli i just need a little help / examples.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Add allow-transfer to bind ?
« on: June 24, 2012, 01:05:23 am »
Yes but i made a really dumb mistake i forgot to make a copy of a file i was going to modify and now i cannot get bind to start.
Can someone please send me a copy of /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/dns/named.conf.local.mas from Zentyal 2.2

Thanx to whoever comes to my rescue.

Solved got the file from launchpad --- That'll teach me  ::)

I have successfully updated Z-Push to the latest version from the Z-Push site. This allows me to get HTML emails pushed to my Android phone as the standard version that comes with Zentyal 2.2 doesn't allow for HTML push.

All i did was rename the folder /usr/share/z-push to /usr/share/z-push-orig
Then extract the latest Z-Push archive into /usr/share/z-push

The state directory is by default /var/lib/z-push, the log directory /var/log/z-push.
Please create these directories and make them writeable for apache or
change the configuration parameters to your needs.

And hopefully thats you upgraded to the latest Z-Push with HTML Push.

How can i add this to Zentyal ? I have tried by inserting it in the local file in bind under the domain as you normally would but everytime the DNS is restarted Zentyal deletes the line.
So how can i add this line to stay ?

zone "" {
   type master;
   file "";
   allow-transfer {;;;

This is so my backup DNS can read from my dns server.

Disabled pop3 imap etc in mail and then enabled in groupware and it now works.
Now to remove roundcube

Just noticed i have roundcube and zrafa installed and i have realised that i only see the emails recieved in roundcube and not in Zarafa.
How  do i get Zarafa to get them instead ???

Do i have to remove roundcube ??

I am able to send email outwith Zentyal using my domain no problem i have changed all the dns recoreds on my own nameservers but for some reason they never make it to the email client and i dont get bounce messages either.
Why will Zentyal not recieve emails ?

Can anyone help??

Installation and Upgrades / Filter time based restrictions
« on: June 16, 2012, 05:16:24 pm »
Why will Zentyal 2.2.2 not let me setup timed access and use the filter option.
It says its not allowed.

Filter policies are incompatible with restricted time periods

Yet in the manual it says you can ?

Can somebody please help ?

Installation and Upgrades / zenbuntu-desktop package ???
« on: June 15, 2012, 01:20:10 pm »
I am installing Zentyal on a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 installation as the Zentyal 2.3 x64 doesn't pick up my raid controller but Ubuntu server 12.04 X64 does.
I have everything installed as per the installation on an Ubuntu 12,04 server except the instructions below.

If you want to install the full graphical environment you can install zenbuntu-desktop instead of just zentyal:

sudo apt-get install zenbuntu-desktop

It cannot find the zenbuntu-desktop package ?

Where is it kept because its not found in the repositories in the installation doc ???

Installation and Upgrades / 2.3 Beta Webmail database error
« on: June 14, 2012, 10:19:38 am »
I have just installed 2.3 Beta and installed all packages. Setup mail and webmail but when i goto localhost/webmail i get the roundcube page saying unable to connect to database.

Help ??

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