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Topics - flaviu0915

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / Filter profile by IP
« on: March 24, 2010, 09:12:49 am »

I want to use transparent proxy, and for filter gropus  i want to setup IP's.
For example IT computes have alocated - For this IP's i want to create a filter group with full acces on internet. the next grups is sales (for eg. For this group i want to give acces only for a couple of sites.
The final question is: how can alocate IP's for every filter group?
Thanks in advance for helping me.

Best regards.

Installation and Upgrades / configuration for asterisk and qutecom
« on: September 08, 2009, 02:33:28 pm »
I want to configure asterisk for internal networks and i don't now how to do. I try some settings but doesen't work.
I make some print screen with this settings and i hope will be somebody to help me.
network configiration for my ebox server
asterisk configuration
qutecom first cinfiguration
qutecom second configuration
 Thanks in advance for your help.

Installation and Upgrades / Jabber through VPN
« on: September 07, 2009, 11:28:18 am »
I'm a new user of ebox and this is my first post.
The first service who i want to use is Jabber.
My company have offices in diffrent locations and we have vpn between location. I set up jabber in my local network and works very well.
 My ebox  server have IP: In a diffrent location with ip class i try to set up pidgin and doesen't work. pidgin doesen't connect to server. I try to ping the server and i dont't have ping. I ping a computer with ip class and i have ping. Is it possible to have IM between this 2 locations?
Thanks in advance for help.

Pages: [1]