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Topics - nread

Pages: [1]
I am a relative beginner with zentyal so please bear with me.
I have zentyal 3.0 installed and it was working correctly up until I changed the ssl certificates and then rebooted.
Now the WEB Admin interface no longer work https:\\localhost gives "Unable to connect".
In the zentyal.log I have the message "Error restarting service: ...."
"httpd not running, trying to start", "Action restart failed"
and in the error log I have "Unable to configure RSA server private key", SSL Library Error: 185073780 ..... X509_check_private_key: key values mismatch"

I have checked the certificate and private key in /var/lib/zentyal/conf/ssl and the modulus check out ok.

How do I proceed?

I have tried altering the apache config in /var/lib/zentyal/conf/apache2.conf to increase the logging level to debug for the ssl_engine to give me more information but every time I restart apache (/etc/init.d/zentyal apache restart) it reloads the config back to the original.

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