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Topics - sfxman

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Other modules / Copletely remove Apache2 ?
« on: December 01, 2018, 10:45:04 am »
Hello guys,

I am more into nginx than apache2 and I use nginx on zentyal to access all the functionalities within and behind (proxy) Zentyal server 6. So there is a question while Zentyal have them both installed out of the box:

Is it possible to completely remove apache2 without ruining some functionalities of Zentyal Server?

I would really like to get rid of it because everytime I restart the server I have to
  • manually stop apache2
  • start nginx
  • start apache2 again because I am not sure it is not needed for something

I would like to know the options... if complete removal of apache2 would have no impact on the functionalities then I would vote for it and keep only nginx on the box. I may even try to contribute with nginx setup module (vhosts and proxy setup - maybe even with LetsEncrypt support) as this is the configuration I use at the time being.

What is your opinion?

Best regards


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