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Topics - ATT1

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I am running Zentyal 4.1 and 4.2, 64bit, and I wonder if a little tricky configuration is possible.
So far, I have installed Zentyal. But now the requirement arose that the Zentyal server is reachable via VPN.
So I admit I did a very ugly VPN-hack, I added a boot-script that automatically connects to an outside VPN-server on starting.
Thus, the Zentyal gets a IP (static) and thus is reachable via client-to-client communication for all VPN-users in the 10.9.0.x area.
That is fine for Mail, Webserver, etc.etc. but not-so-fine for Samba: Trying to reach the shares via \\\shares results in waiting a while, then a network error "0x80004005".
I checked the /etc/samba/smb.conf and I added tun0 to the interfaces:
 interfaces = lo,eth0,eth1,tun0

However, it still won't let me connect from a Windows client to the Samba share at \\\shares

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I have an old 4.1.5 Zentyal test distro that worked, but I did not use it for a while, so I switched it on today again after a long time and I thought it would be a good idea to upgrade.
So I upgraded core components to 4.1.9. That worked.
Then the button appeared "upgrade to 4.2" . I pressed it....
I didn't look what was happening because I was busy.... but the machine shut down........
I manually switched it on again..... it asked for my 2 cryptsetup passwords. But the web interface now says "error" :


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Leider ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten
Es gibt einige Softwarepakete, die nicht korrekt installiert wurden: linux-image-3.16.0-77-generic.

Sie sollten es erneut installieren und versuchen sie ihren Vorgang nochmal.

    Zeige technische Details

Error trace

Can't call method "ldap" on an undefined value at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 43.
   ...propagated at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/CGI/ line 321.
 at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/CGI/ line 105

    in EBox::CGI::Run::run at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/CGI/ line 105

      102:         if (Scalar::Util::blessed($ex) and $ex->isa('EBox::Exceptions::Base')) {
      103:             $ex->throw();
      104:         } else {
      105:             die $ex;
      106:         }
      107:     }
      108: }

    Show function arguments
    in main::__ANON__ at /usr/share/zentyal/psgi/zentyal.psgi line 46

       43:     local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { EBox::warn($_[0]) };
       45:     my $req = Plack::Request->new($env);
       46:     return EBox::CGI::Run->run($req);
       47: };
       49: my $builder = new Plack::Builder();

    Show function arguments
    in Plack::App::URLMap::call at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/App/ line 71

       68:         return $self->response_cb($app->($env), sub {
       69:             $env->{PATH_INFO} = $orig_path_info;
       70:             $env->{SCRIPT_NAME} = $orig_script_name;
       71:         });
       72:     }
       74:     DEBUG && warn "All matching failed.\n";

    Show function arguments
    in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/ line 50

       47: sub to_app {
       48:     my $self = shift;
       49:     $self->prepare_app;
       50:     return sub { $self->call(@_) };
       51: }

    Show function arguments
    in EBox::Middleware::Auth::call at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Middleware/ line 366

      363:         $self->_logout($env);
      364:     } elsif ($self->_validateSession($env)) {
      365:         delete $env->{'psgix.session'}{AuthReason};
      366:         return $self->app->($env);
      367:     } else {
      368:         # Require authentication, redirect to the login form.
      369:         return $self->_redirectToLogin($env);

    Show function arguments
    in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/ line 50

       47: sub to_app {
       48:     my $self = shift;
       49:     $self->prepare_app;
       50:     return sub { $self->call(@_) };
       51: }

    Show function arguments
    in Plack::Middleware::Conditional::call at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Middleware/ line 16

       13:     my($self, $env) = @_;
       15:     my $app = $self->condition->($env) ? $self->middleware : $self->app;
       16:     return $app->($env);
       17: }
       19: 1;

    Show function arguments
    in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/ line 50

       47: sub to_app {
       48:     my $self = shift;
       49:     $self->prepare_app;
       50:     return sub { $self->call(@_) };
       51: }

    Show function arguments
    in EBox::WebAdmin::Middleware::SubAppAuth::call at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/WebAdmin/Middleware/ line 57

       54:             }
       55:         }
       56:     }
       57:     return $self->app->($env);
       58: }
       60: 1;

    Show function arguments
    in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/ line 50

       47: sub to_app {
       48:     my $self = shift;
       49:     $self->prepare_app;
       50:     return sub { $self->call(@_) };
       51: }

    Show function arguments
    in Plack::Middleware::Session::call at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Middleware/ line 52

       50:     $env->{'psgix.session.options'} = { id => $id };
       52:     my $res = $self->app->($env);
       53:     $self->response_cb($res, sub { $self->finalize($env, $_[0]) });
       54: }

    Show function arguments
    in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/ line 50

       47: sub to_app {
       48:     my $self = shift;
       49:     $self->prepare_app;
       50:     return sub { $self->call(@_) };
       51: }

    Show function arguments
    in Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy::call at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Middleware/ line 68

       65:         }
       66:     }
       68:     $self->app->($env);
       69: }
       71: 1;

    Show function arguments
    in EBox::Middleware::UnhandledError::call at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/ line 50

       47: sub to_app {
       48:     my $self = shift;
       49:     $self->prepare_app;
       50:     return sub { $self->call(@_) };
       51: }

    Show function arguments
    in Plack::Component::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/ line 50

       47: sub to_app {
       48:     my $self = shift;
       49:     $self->prepare_app;
       50:     return sub { $self->call(@_) };
       51: }

    Show function arguments
    in (eval) at /usr/share/zentyal/psgi/zentyal.psgi line 0

        1: # Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Zentyal S.L.
        2: #
        3: # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

    at /usr/share/zentyal/psgi/zentyal.psgi line 0

        1: # Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Zentyal S.L.
        2: #
        3: # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

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We have a rather "special" mail configuration. Our setup is as follows:
We have  a local domain, called "companyname.lan" and a Zentyal 4.2 server called "srv01.companyname.lan" (aka 'Server01').

"Server01" fetches the mails for each user from the external domain "" every minute and delivers it to user1, user2, user3.... at srv01.companyname.lan. The fetched, external mails are available for each user at the local imap server on Server01.

When we SEND e-mail, we use the external sending mailserver: ; not the Zentyal "Server01".

In Thunderbird, we can configure this easily, just by selecting the proper sending server.

However, when user1/2/3... logs in into Srv01 as Webmail, he can only send to other local users, not to anyone on the Internet.

Thus, we want to configure webmail so if "user1@companyname.lan" logs in, he should send e-mails as "" and use the existing external mail server "" instead of the local imap server on Zentyal.

Is that possible?

If it is possible, how do I implement this ? What do I have to change in Webmail so it will act like this ?

Email and Groupware / email services never start
« on: April 28, 2016, 03:19:13 pm »
Editing the users email settings in the web interface,  I get a warning:

"Mail account is unavailable because either there isn't any mail virtual domain created or you need to save changes in order to activate the new domains.
Click here to create a new mail virtual domain"

Okay, so mail is not started, but why?

Trying to start mail:

root@zentyal-cyprus:~# service zentyal status
Usage: /etc/init.d/zentyal start|stop|restart
       /etc/init.d/zentyal <module> start|stop|status|enabled|restart
root@zentyal-cyprus:~# service zentyal mail status
Zentyal: status module mail:         [ STOPPED ]
root@zentyal-cyprus:~# service zentyal mail start
 * Restarting Zentyal module: mail                                       [fail]
root command set -e
samba-tool domain exportkeytab '/etc/dovecot/dovecot.keytab' --principal 'zentyal-mail-zentyal-cyprus'
samba-tool domain exportkeytab '/etc/dovecot/dovecot.keytab' --principal 'imap/zentyal-cyprus.niotronic.lan'
samba-tool domain exportkeytab '/etc/dovecot/dovecot.keytab' --principal 'imap/zentyal-cyprus.niotronic.lan@NIOTRONIC.LAN'
samba-tool domain exportkeytab '/etc/dovecot/dovecot.keytab' --principal 'smtp/zentyal-cyprus.niotronic.lan'
samba-tool domain exportkeytab '/etc/dovecot/dovecot.keytab' --principal 'smtp/zentyal-cyprus.niotronic.lan@NIOTRONIC.LAN'
samba-tool domain exportkeytab '/etc/dovecot/dovecot.keytab' --principal 'pop/zentyal-cyprus.niotronic.lan'
samba-tool domain exportkeytab '/etc/dovecot/dovecot.keytab' --principal 'pop/zentyal-cyprus.niotronic.lan@NIOTRONIC.LAN'
chown 'root':'dovecot' '/etc/dovecot/dovecot.keytab'
chmod '440' '/etc/dovecot/dovecot.keytab' failed.
Error output: GENSEC backend 'gssapi_spnego' registered
 GENSEC backend 'gssapi_krb5' registered
 GENSEC backend 'gssapi_krb5_sasl' registered
 GENSEC backend 'spnego' registered
 GENSEC backend 'schannel' registered
 GENSEC backend 'naclrpc_as_system' registered
 GENSEC backend 'sasl-EXTERNAL' registered
 GENSEC backend 'ntlmssp' registered
 GENSEC backend 'http_basic' registered
 GENSEC backend 'http_ntlm' registered
 GENSEC backend 'krb5' registered
 GENSEC backend 'fake_gssapi_krb5' registered
 interpret_string_addr_internal: getaddrinfo failed for name eth1 (flags 32) [Name or service not known]
 interpret_interface: Can't find address for eth1
 interpret_string_addr_internal: getaddrinfo failed for name eth1 (flags 32) [Name or service not known]
 interpret_interface: Can't find address for eth1
 ERROR(runtime): uncaught exception - Key table entry not found
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/samba/netcmd/", line 175, in _run
     return*args, **kwargs)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/samba/netcmd/", line 117, in run
     net.export_keytab(keytab=keytab, principal=principal)

Command output: .
Exit value: 255

That's right, I only need eth0, I have not configured eth1..... but.... why should I ?

What shall I do to get mail to work ?

I was trying to reproduce bugtracker's issue #4811 (which is, "suddenly cannot add users anymore, useradd fails!") by using a Zentyal server running in a Virtualbox.
I could not reproduce the bug, but I found another hint: I added several users, and then I deleted one user (in this case, "user10").
The home directory of "user 10" remains, and it looks like this:

drwxr-xr-x  15 att                att          4096 Mär 13 23:10 att
drwx------   2 office-assholesign domain users 4096 Mär 11 19:26 office-assholesign
drwx------   2 office-cyprus      domain users 4096 Mär 11 19:27 office-cyprus
drwx------   2 office-cyprus2     domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:58 office-cyprus2
drwxrwx---+  4 root               domain users 4096 Mär 11 18:45 samba
drwx------   2 user1              domain users 4096 Mär 11 19:21 user1
drwx------   2               2513 domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:19 user10
drwx------   2 user10-test2       domain users 4096 Mär 13 23:12 user10-test2
drwx------   2 user11             domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:55 user11
drwx------   2 user12             domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:56 user12
drwx------   2 user13             domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:57 user13
drwx------   2 user13             domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:56 user13-13
drwx------   2 user14             domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:59 user14
drwx------   2 user14-cyprus      domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:57 user14-cyprus
drwx------   2 user2              domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:16 user2
drwx------   2 user3              domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:16 user3
drwx------   2 user4              domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:17 user4
drwx------   2 user5              domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:17 user5
drwx------   2 user6              domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:17 user6
drwx------   2 user7              domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:18 user7
drwx------   2 user8              domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:18 user8
drwx------   2 user9              domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:18 user9

You notice this strange "user10" ?  -> drwx------   2               2513 domain users 4096 Mär 12 20:19 user10

It is still there, in the home directory, despite I deleted the user.
Where is the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow credentials of each user stored? I cannot find it in these files....... ?
I thought if I delete a user, the home directory ought to be deleted too, and the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow "entries" - whereever in Zentyal they really are now - also ought not to carry around the deleted user?
Any hints appreciated...

I have installed Zentyal 4.2 64bit into a Virtualbox. It's a fresh install.
I am informed that 61 system updates are available.
I click on "update"!
It fails with "apt-get install failed.... blablah ... -fix-missing?"
Now I guess I have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list but I don't know from where to get the "good" updates.....
Also, GCC C-Compiler is not pre-installed, which is a shame. I need to compile....!

I have a strange issue with Zentyal 4.2.
I installed it - ok, that worked nicely.
I configured my network and 2 interface cards - fine so far.
I added some users - that works very well.
I shut down the machine, rebooted it today, wanted to add more users but it suddenly fails:

"Unexpected Error" : 

root command set -e mkdir -p '/home/samba/profiles/test2' chown -R 2513:2513 '/home/samba/profiles/test2' chmod 0700 '/home/samba/profiles/test2' setfacl -b '/home/samba/profiles/test2' setfacl -R -m u:root:rwx,g::---,g:2513:---,u:'test2':rwx '/home/samba/profiles/test2' setfacl -R -m d:u:root:rwx,d:g::---,d:g:2513:---,d:u:'test2':rwx '/home/samba/profiles/test2' failed. Error output: setfacl: Option -m: Invalid argument near character 32 Command output: . Exit value: 2 at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 240

The user was called "test2" ; the first user I tried to add was called "office-cyprus" and I thought that maybe due to the "-" sign in the name there was a problem. But when I added another user "test2" he could not add this user with the same message (see above).

The rest you can see in bug report 4811.......  that was the "office-cyprus" user that suddenly offended Zentyal 4.2.

Your milage may vary. Any help, especially fast help, appreciated...... !


I was trying to use a Zentyal 4.1 server not only as a local fileserver, but also as a gateway machine to the rest of the internet.
For this purpose, I thought I could use my existing, working vpn client files, and simply issue "openvpn configfile.conf" and the Zentyal would happily be a working gateway to the vpn server, which would be the gateway to the internet.
HOWEVER, things did not quite work as I supposed them to. When I used the commandline "openvpn configfile.conf" as user root in a Zentyal shell, the Zentyal server DID connect to the VPN server correctly, but it was unable to change the route to that server (tun device,

So what, precisely, do I have to do so that Zentyal would make a connection to this other VPN server and tunnel all the outgoing traffic through it ?

Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED] Zentyal4.1: DHCP: TFTP/pxelinux.0 ?
« on: December 28, 2015, 01:21:28 pm »

I have now Zentyal 4.1 including latest updates; I just wonder if it is possible to migrate our DHCP-Server to Zentyal?
At the moment, we have a different machine serving a single pxelinux.0 TFTP-image for all the clients:

nobody    3078  0.0  0.0  15320  1092 ?        S     2014   6:32 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --bind-interfaces --interface eth0 --except-interface lo --enable-tftp --tftp-root=/etc/pxeboot --dhcp-boot=/etc/pxeboot/pxelinux.0 --dhcp-range=,,168h --log-dhcp

This single command line above handles all quite well.
How to migrate this DHCP/TFTP-functionality away from this "extra-server" to Zentyal?  I cannot find any option in Zentyal 4.1 that allows me to select a TFTP-file to send, when the BIOS of a client needs one?

Hello, World.

I am now trying to update a Zentyal 4.1 machine to 4.2; I repeatedly click on the webinterface on the "Software management" options and its sub-buttons, but no matter what I try, I never get an option to update Zentyal from 4.1 to 4.2.
So as I understand it, the only way to upgrade to Zentyal 4.2 is a fresh install from CD?

I spent many hours of installing and configuring Zentyal 4.1. Are there any options to update to 4.2, and if so, how to do it?


I have configured and installed the domain called "companyname.lan" ; but under "DNS-> Domains" I actually have two domains:
a) Companyname.lan ......  ("redcross symbol" no dynamic domain)  (action: you can delete it)
b) zentyal-domain.lan .....  ("green symbol" :   YES , dynamic dom.) (action: you CANNOT delete it - greyed off)

Why cannot I delete zentyal-domain.lan - do I really need it if I only want "companyname.lan" ?

Self-installed duplicity complains about a domain name and host name mismatch:

root@srv01:/root# duplicity /mnt/data1/shares ftp://ba1@
NcFTP version is 3.2.5
Synchronizing remote metadata to local cache...
Copying duplicity-full-signatures.20151009T161747Z.sigtar.gpg to local cache.
Copying duplicity-full.20151009T161747Z.manifest.gpg to local cache.
Copying to local cache.
Copying to local cache.
Last full backup date: Fri Oct  9 18:17:47 2015
Fatal Error: Backup source host has changed.
Current hostname: srv01.zentyal-domain.lan
Previous hostname: srv01."companyname".lan

How do I change the hostname back to "companyname.lan" and NOT to "zentyal-domain.lan" ?
Preferably an easy way without deleting all users etc?

The story so far:

We had a Zentyal server 3.5, we upgraded to 4.0. The upgrade seemed to work. Then we upgraded to 4.1. That one made lots of troubles. So we had no other options as to :
* save all mails from /var/vmail into one large TAR file
* save important data from /home/samba/profiles
* reinstall Zentyal 4.1 fresh from CD on the server
* manually add the same (luckily few) users
* re-configure domain, shares, users, fetching external mail for users.
* get back the /var/vmail file with the old user mails. Set ACL rights for the shares properly by hand (using chown, chmod, setfacl)

This worked almost neat so far, with the notable exception that we had to apt-get some packages by hand, otherwise we could not install mail/groupware and openchange server (for full details , see :,26713.0.html )

Anyway, we have an almost neat working Zentyal server now, who properly fetches external mails (totally necessary) and who properly gives out the samba shares and is the master of our windows domain, so people can log on their win7 clients anywhere in the local net.

The only problem is: It only works perfectly for ADMIN USERS, which are in the group "Domain Masters" (if I remember that name correctly).
Normal users, who are just in the (self-added) group "normalusers" or "limitedusers" or "pureemail" have the following problems:

* Login on a Win7 client almost always results in a warning that "you are logged in with a temporary profile".
* Lots of sync problems between the profiles in general
* External mails are not fetched properly.

So if anyone has a clue how to fix these sync problems and "temp profile" problems etc.etc. please let me know. I have the vague feeling it might have to do with insufficient rights or misconfigured rights, but I could be mistaken. Is there any option to edit what rights the normalusers should have?


I have installed Zentyal 4.1 - suddenly it works fine, after the xth reinstall. I dont know why.
At the Zentyal install, I added two crypted partitions and they work just fine, the main "/" directory is crypted as well as another mounted partition from sda2 to /mnt/data.
The bootloader (?) asks me for the 2 passwords whilst booting and it simply works. Great.
But: I want to add another harddrive,  /dev/sdb, it contains one large crypted partition, /dev/sdb1 , and I want to modify the bootloader so that it also asks me for the password of this (third) crypted partition.
It is a LUKS crypted partition, but it was made with a former, older Zentyal.

I somehow could not recognize it during the installation process, and the installer always said he wanted to format that drive, and I dont want to format it, I want to use it normally.

So how do I add that old drive/partition (/dev/sdb1, crypted) to the existing bootloader?

i have a bug that is repeatably happening.
After installing Zentyal 4.1 and adding users, and domains, these users cannot log in in their freshly added win7-domain.
They get an error: "the security database on this server does not contain an account for this workstation trust"
(german error: "Die Sicherheitsdatenbank auf dem Server enthält kein Computerkonto für diese Arbeitsstationsvertrauensstellung" (what a word!  :o ) )

FIX found:

* service samba stop
* service samba-ad-dc stop
* service bind9 stop    (may be useless tho, but helped anyway)
* samba-tool domain provision -> now just press return all the time to re-enter your stuff
* service bind9 start
* service samba-ad-dc start
* service samba start

I hope this helps anyone.

I can login to the windows7 workstation with my Zentyal account now, but despite this, there is a large tendency to use a temporary profile. I will now remove from my Win7-client the registry keys from the old zentyal accounts and the temporary dirs.

I have a little DNS quirk. I can ping "zentyal" from a client in the same local net, but I cannot ping "zentyal.mydomain.lan". If I try to, I immidately get "host not found".
Once I tried to "service restart bind9" on the zentyal server and it helped, but now I try to do this again, but it does not work anymore. The ping to "zentyal.mydomain.lan" still fails.
Any help?
Zentyal version is 4.1.
Edit: Oh, I just got a mail saying "Samba is not yet provisioned". Hm. Maybe its a clue. So, what to do?

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