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Messages - netlha

Pages: [1] 2
Well finally I've solved it, but by using thye 2.2-2 version of Zentyal. I had to reinstall Zentyal 2.2-2 and update the kernel so it can fully support my motherboard. On it I configured the printers as usually and everything worked perfectly. I still think it's because the samba module used on Zentyal 3.0 is the Beta version. The lastest version of Samba 4 is 4.0.0 rc1 released some days ago, and I've not seen any update on the launchpad page of Zentyal. Any way I'll stay with 2.2-2 for some more time until 3.0 is fully stable or any update come about this issue.


Hi ichat, thanks for your reply, I can print from CUPS interface, also I usead de recommenderd driver when installing it, it's an HP Laserjet 1320, from Zentyal the group is marked as allowed, also I marked one specific user for testig purposes and nothing. The only thing that changes is that when I only allow the gropup and try to connect through  this user that belongs to the group, it denies me the access, unless I add this specific user as permited. I also thought about the driver, It's name is diferent from the one I used to use on Zentyal 2.2-2 but CUPS seem to print perfectly with it, on the client I use the HP driver.

Well I've been searching and making some modifications, but nothing seems to work. I've modified the smb.conf file and smb.con.mas file, both on /usr/share/samba and /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/samba. Adding on [printers] and [print$] the lines:

guest ok = yes
public = yes
writable = yes

But didn't worked, also I removed the line:

read only = yes

But again nothing.
So I tried to connect to the printer through the 631 port by: http://zentyal_name:631/printer name and I could install it, but when I sen something to print nothing happens, not even the printer seems to be preparing to print something. When I check the printing jobs there is the job, and is marked as complete, but the user it's send from is none of the users registered on the server, non anonymous. A curious thing that happens is that several minutes later or when I request a test print from the CUPS interface the test page is printed and then a lot of pages with random characters are printed I have to cancel these directly from the printer.

Thats all i've tried to do, also I realized that the samba4 module is marked as beta, so maybe thats the reason of all these problems.

Is there a way to install the old 2.3 modules on zentyal 3?

They all seemed to work perfectly. I can't install Zentyal 2.2 because the server was migrated to a new one and the hardware is too new for the kernel and some components don't work correctly.

And, am I the only one with this problem? Anybody else has printer sharing working or is also having a problem?

Thank you

Hi, well the problem is that i'm trying to connect to a shared printer on zentyal, I've configured it as in documentation, and also tested ir from the CUPS interface, but when I try to install it on a XP computer, I get an error saying that the access is denied; the permision is configured through a group policy. But when I configure an access specifically for a user, I can start the process to install the printer, but after selecting the driver, it says it can't connect to the printer, either because the printer's name was not correctly writen or because the printer was disconnected from the server. I've looked in forums and even modified the smb.conf and files but nothig has changed. Any ideas? The printers are really imortant and I need them to be working as soon as posible.

Thank you

Installation and Upgrades / Can not access through FTP SSL
« on: September 16, 2012, 11:46:26 pm »
Hello, I've configured a zentyal server for an office environment, about 10 users, and I use FTP to make backups. The problem here is that I can't access the server through FTP SSL, I'm using filezilla as FTP client, and type "ftp://FTPS://server-ip" and it says "connection refused by server". Maybe I have other module not properly configured or my ftp client is not well configured. Even I can access though normal FTP I would like to use it throug a VPN or a direct port from external networks so that's the importance of using SSL. Is there. Any ideas of what it could be?
(Sorry if I wrote something wrong, English isn't my 1st language)
Thank you

Ok, christian, thank you for your soon answer I'll wait for the stable release.

Hi, can I use this release for work environments? I ask this because I've recently moved a server to a new one with recent hardware, and Zentyal 2.3 wasn't compatible with many of the hardware so even I managed the way to make it work, the system is a bit unstable and I would like to have it working at 100% as soon as possible. So can I install this and have it working perfectly or should I wait for the definitive stable release?


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Cloud Client on Beta?
« on: August 07, 2012, 02:01:47 am »
Thank you robb for the information.

Installation and Upgrades / Cloud Client on Beta?
« on: August 06, 2012, 07:30:32 am »
Maybe this is a dumb question, but, is there a way to install a cloud client on by Zentyal 2.3 Beta?  This is because the server was recently migrated to a new one, I would prefer to use the stable release (the one being used 2.2-2) but the installer doesn't support the new hardware of the server, so the only alternative was to use the beta release and restore the configuration, but to do this I need the cloud client module installed and it's not in the software management section. For the moment I reconfigured everything manually because the server must be up as soon as possible, but i would prefer to have my old config.

Is there any kind of solution or I'll have to wait until the 2.3 stable release is avaliable? And when it's avaliable Will I be able to import my config?

Thank you

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal 2.3: FTP broken setup
« on: August 06, 2012, 07:11:21 am »
Hi, I have the same problem. I can't login into FTP on Zentyal 2.3 beta x64. The first time I configured the FTP module on the zentyal interface, when i tried to save the changes, It says there was an error with the firewall module. I checked the firewall and everything was ok but the error message was still there, when I restarted the server the error was gone, but I still couldn't access maybe the firewall is blocking the ports and the interface has wrong information. And an anonymous connection even if the client says theres conection and directory listing, theres actually nothing. I hope ths could be fixed soon, I need the FTP for daily security backups. And I installed the beta version (I was using 2.2-2) because my server was migrated to a new one and the 2.2-2 installer doesn't support the new hardware, the old system was working perfectly.

Thank you

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Automatic Login
« on: January 12, 2012, 07:36:35 am »
Well I dind't know that services run even if I'm don't logged in. I have some commands on cron to auto-shutdown the server and configures fstab to auto-mount two HDD. They still need that I log in? because if thats the case, I think I'll disable autologin.


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Automatic Login
« on: January 11, 2012, 01:28:20 am »
@robb, to answer your question, here my server is for a small office, 6-10 computers, and we don't need it when theres no one using it, so at 1AM it automatically turns off, and at 7:30AM it turns on, so we don't waste electricity, its an old P4 with a 300W power source. And I need it to autologin, but for the security situation you mentioned, I have to say that I programed the screensaver to put 5 minutes after inactivity and also to lock the screen with password. So lets say the server turns on at 7:30, its running at 7:40 and at 7:45 the sceen is locked with password, and the employees arrive at 8:00AM so theres no one who can touch the server interface.

At least its my situation.

Sorry my basic english.

Spanish / Re: Envio de correos al exterior
« on: January 10, 2012, 07:03:21 am »
De acuerdo acon, sabia que estas cosas no eran coser y cantar n.n' asi que creo que dejare esta situacion por el momento, la de operar un servidor de correo propio, que de por si en cierto modo es un capricho.

Solamente me queda una duda y es con respecto al smarthost, por lo que tengo entendido, hace que si yo envio un correo demi direccion, este en vez de irse a internet, va a un servitor SMTP formal y de ahi a internet y tal vez viceversa, he leido la informacion que he encontrado, pero aun no me queda claro eso.

Podria usar un smarthost para enviar correos al exterior desde mi servidor?
Llegado a este punto, el dominio propio ya no es de interes, seria un dominio comercial, digase gmail. hotmail, etc. He visto por ejemplo en el post que mencione que usa gmail como smarthost.

Disculpa si resulto muy insicivo en conceptos que pudieran parecerte elementales, pero quiero aprender sobre esto.

De nuevo gracias por tu ayuda y paciencia. (Quiza despues de esto ponga una foto de mi zentyal XD)

Spanish / Re: Envio de correos al exterior
« on: January 09, 2012, 04:51:56 am »
Por lo que comentas sobre SMTP Y DNS, leere un poco mas, mis conceptos de redes son un tanto rudimentarios, se lo basico-intermedio (tirandole mas a basico n.n') pero con respecto al smarthost, lei sobre ello en otro post aqui en los foros, ya que al ver anteriormente la dificultad de esto, pense en otra estructura que a continuacion describo:

Una cuenta comun (gmail, hotmail, yahoo...) que por medio de fetchmail, obtenga el correo y lo envie a la cuenta de la red interna ( y para enviar de esta cuenta interna hacia afuera use un smarthost.

Esto evitaria los problemas de IP fija y el registro MX, pero no puedo configurar.

El otro post es el siguiente:,6197.msg24884.html#msg24884

Donde tanto rajanalgas como yo hicimos un comentario. Esta seria la otra "solucion" para no tener que ver todo el embrollo de registros MX, IP, etc.

Acon, que opinas respecto a esto, y si puedes, echale un ojo al otro post, para ver si hay algo que me falte o sobre en mi configuracion. Gracias por estarnos apoyando Acon, sinceramente muchas gracias

Spanish / Re: Envio de correos al exterior
« on: January 08, 2012, 07:37:26 am »
Ya veo, interesante nota acon, creo haber leido que para eso hay que pedirle a tu ISP una ip publica fija, no? o hay otra fomra de lograrlo?

Pues yo intente usar Zoneedit, configurando el servicio de reenvio de correo "MailForward" que basicamente consiste, como dice la descripcion del sitio:

MailForward allows you to forward email with a number of powerful options to manage forwards.
MailForward sets up hidden “MX” records pointing to our email servers. When we receive email for one of your addresses, our server forwards the email to the specified addresses. MailForward is included free with Managed DNS.

Osea coloca registros MX ocultos apuntando a nuestro servidor, y que cuando ellos reciben un correo de tu direccion, su servidor lo dirige a una direccion especifica. Su configuración es a base de "zonas" que parecen ser configuraciones especificas que incluyen los varios servicios que ofrece.

Primero pide un registro de zona, siendo su nombre, el dominio del correo y creo tambien de paginas web mencionando lo siguiente:

Remember to set your nameservers at your registrar to those displayed in the zone editing interface!

Cosa que no comprendo muy bien. Luego al configurar la zona, te pide un subdomino, un TTL (Que es Tiempo de Vida o Time To Live (TTL) es un concepto usado en redes de computadores para indicar por cuántos nodos puede pasar un paquete antes de ser descartado por la red o devuelto a su origen. Segun wikipedia), esta predeterminado a "7200", y una direccion IPV4, osea una IP normal, que supongo es la publica, y que tanto Zoneedit como Zentyal Cloud te muestran. Cabe mencionar que Zone Records es oblicatorio para configurar una zona en Zoneedit.

Y finalmente para el MailForward te piden un Receptor (Recipient) que sera dirigido (is forwarded to) a un destinatario (Destination)

Aqui lo que hice yo, fue agregar una zona con el nombre de mi dominio de zentyal ""
En el subdominio pedido coloque un subdominio creado en zentyal cloud, aunque hay esta nota "Subdomain (DNAME) or '@' to indicate  root zone" que no se bien que quiera decir.
Y en la IPV4 puse la IP publica que da ZE Y Zentyal cloud (que es la misma)

Y en MailForward, cree una direccion de correo "" y en destiatario una direccion ya creada de gmail ""

Guarde las opciones e intente enviar desde otra direccion de gmail "" un correo a  "", y me dio en la bandeja desde donde lo envie (usuario2) un correo de error, que indicaba lo siguiente:

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

Technical details of permanent failure:
The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at
[ (10): Connection timed out]

----- Original message -----


Y en la ayuda de google indicaba lo siguiente:

Este mensaje de error indica que hemos intentado realizar una conexión con el servidor de tu destinatario pero que no hemos recibido ninguna respuesta. Algunas posibles causas son:

    -El otro dominio no contiene registros MX actualizados o está mal configurado.
    -El otro dominio está creando listas negras o grises de mensajes de Gmail.
    -El otro dominio está experimentando problemas de conexión temporales.

Te recomendamos que te pongas en contacto con el departamento de atención al cliente del dominio del destinatario para obtener más instrucciones. Si recibes este mensaje de devolución al enviar a tu dominio de Google Apps, consulta nuestras instrucciones para configurar tus registros MX.

Parte de lo que decia acon.

Igualmente en ZoneEdit me indicaba lo siguiente:

This zone is not delegated to ZoneEdit nameservers which means the zone created here has no effect on the domain name. Set the nameservers at your registrar to those assigned to this zone to delegate the domain properly.

Current delegated nameservers for this zone are:

Intente hacerlo con un dominio diferente al de zentyal y me indicaba que el dominio parecia no estar registrado.

Por lo que parece ser que intenta funcionar, pero hay algo que lo evita. Finalmente, me canse de esto y decidi reinstalar zentyal y usarlo como servidor de correo interno, ya que debia estar funcional en su mayoria lo mas pronto posible, y ahora esta trabajando como servidor de archivos, FTP, Zarafa y de correo interno.

Asi que dudo poder seguir haciendo pruebas muy seguido, y por que trato de implementar algunas configuraciones de copias de seguridad por FTP que ando investigando. Pero espero esta informacion ayude a alguien o sirva para que alguien nos pueda aclarar algunas dudas.

Rajanalgas, la configuracion en no-ip es similar a esta? o en que se asemeja - difiere con esta que proporcione, hay algo de esta informacion que pudieras colocar en no-ip para hacer una prueba?

Y a alguien que nos puedo ayudar, les agradeceria mucho un poco de luz sobre el asunto.


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