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Topics - jonne_jvl

Pages: [1]
So, yeah, this is a little weird. Everything works and so forth btw so no alarm.

In one of my boxes dashboards (I have a ton of these) the interfaces widget lists my assigned ip addresses. Problem is, it also lists my upstream addresses.
(zentyal behind a dsl router) for that one interface.

It lists three ip addresses. The internal (static) between zentyal and dsl router. The routers internal address facing zentyal. And for good measure
my external one as well.

First time I saw it I nearly panicked because if zentyal somehow grabs those addresses it would probably loose connectivity.
(and I would be heading for the airport)

But, well it works and so forth so I will probably ignore it for now.

But I wonder if this isnt some thing that should be fixed in the widget, or is it a known issue?
(where does it get that list from? ifconfig does not list them and it surely isnt listening on them)

Could this be related to the fact that I have some ipsec tunnels with tweaks for leftsource/leftnexthop or such?

I am still not quite sure how it finds them. hmm. Anyone know?

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