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Messages - obimichael

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
German / Re: Gibt es so was wie Automtische Antworten?
« on: April 06, 2012, 02:24:16 pm »
Das müßte man beim Mailserver einstellen. Wäre natürlich toll wenn das im User Bereich gehen würde, aber leider geht das nicht. Du könntest bei nachschauen, dort gibt es ein Autoreply Plugin ...

oder wenn du zarafa verwendest, dort gibt es auch einen Autoresponder ...


German / Re: Keine E-Mail
« on: March 28, 2012, 10:21:52 am »
"550 Sender adress is not allowed" der wird die Adresse an den SmartHost weitergeben, die unter "User->Username->Mail Accountsettings" angegeben ist, und die will GMX und WEB.DE nicht.

Einzige Möglichkeit die ich sehe ist, wie hier beschrieben:,5610.msg25358.html#msg25358

und hoffen, dass das irgendwann mal im UserCorner konfigurierbar sein wird.


German / Re: VNC-Server
« on: February 08, 2012, 08:18:37 am »
Ports für VNC-Server in Zentyal freigegeben?

German / Re: Speicherort für Serverdaten ändern
« on: January 17, 2012, 08:39:07 am »
Ich hab statt dem Verzeichnis einfach einen symbolic link dort hin gemacht, wo er die daten speichern soll

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Error Installing Zentyal 2.2
« on: August 11, 2011, 08:25:28 am »
Yes, I always tried to install on a clean UbuntuServer 10.04.3 Installation.

During the Ubuntu Installation, I only choosed the OpenSSH Package,
and did an "apt-get upgrade" before I installed zentyal.


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Error Installing Zentyal 2.2
« on: August 10, 2011, 08:03:52 am »
Finally, after installing Ubuntu & Zentyal for the 3rd time, I could install Zentyal correctly.

For this time I selected all packages, excluding only zarafa.

Before the 3rd installation, I tried to select all packages, excluding DHCP and the DNS package (I do not need them, because I have allready a router/firewall), but this combination give me the error seen in the last posting.

Installation and Upgrades / Error Installing Zentyal 2.2
« on: August 06, 2011, 09:11:55 am »
I'm getting an error, when I try to install zentyal 2.2
I took the following packages
Code: [Select]
deb lucid main
deb 2.1 extra

Code: [Select]
Exit value: 127
2011/08/06 08:58:15 WARN> initial-setup:62 main::__ANON__ - Restart for ca failed
2011/08/06 08:58:17 INFO> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Skipping restart for ca as it's disabled
2011/08/06 08:58:30 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::save - Restarting service for module: monitor
2011/08/06 08:59:11 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::save - Restarting service for module: ebackup
2011/08/06 08:59:13 DEBUG> EBox::RemoteServices::disasterRecoveryAddOn - Cannot connect to Zentyal Cloud. Check your Internet connection.
2011/08/06 08:59:13 DEBUG> EBox::RemoteServices::disasterRecoveryAddOn - Cannot connect to Zentyal Cloud. Check your Internet connection.
2011/08/06 09:00:14 INFO> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Restarting service for module: apache
2011/08/06 09:00:19 INFO> apache-restart:53 main:: - Waiting for apache to shutdown, attempt 0
2011/08/06 09:00:27 INFO> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Skipping restart for logs as it's disabled
2011/08/06 09:00:30 INFO> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Skipping restart for events as it's disabled
2011/08/06 09:00:31 ERROR> install-packages:89 main::__ANON__ - Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zarafa and EBox
« on: January 05, 2011, 09:09:35 am »
I had the same problem, I had to "install" the license-server. My experience with the license-server installation, I wrote a small How-To. Please read also Post #4, before you try this!

Installation and Upgrades / Re: EBox + Zarafa + Outlook 2003
« on: January 03, 2011, 10:28:21 am »
This instructions work, BUT I could not install any updates after that. Because the packet manager said, that the installation was not correct.

So I deinstalled the package and did the following:

* Install Zarafa licensed Server
   1.  dpkg-deb -x {deb-package name} /tmp
   2.  copy files
          *  sudo cp zarafa-licensed /usr/bin/zarafa-licensed
          *  sudo cp zarafa-licensed /etc/init.d/zarafa-licensed
          *  sudo cp licensed.cfg /etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg
          *  sudo cp zarafa-licensed /etc/defaults/zarafa-licensed

I'm not sure if all files i needed are in this list, because I'm not sure if every file was deleted with the deinstallation of the package before.


Installation and Upgrades / EBox + Zarafa + Outlook 2003
« on: December 25, 2010, 01:40:24 am »
How to connect Outlook 2003 with Zarafa Groupware on Ebox

* Create Zarafa Groupware EBox - Service
1.) Add new Service with (for example) Name Zarafa-Groupware
2.) Add Port 236 to Service
3.) Add Port 237 to Service

* Add Service to Firewall
1.) Goto Firewall -> Packet Filter and select "Filtering rules from internal networks to Zentyal"
2.) Add Service Zarafa-Groupware

* Bind Address
1.) Open Terminal on server (or connect with Putty to your server)
2.) sudo nano /usr/share/ebox/stubs/zarafa/server.cfg.mas
3.) locate line server_bind=
4.) change to: server_bind=

* Install Zarafa licensed Server
1.) Try: sudo apt-get install zarafa-licensed

if this is not working:
!!Please take a look to Post #4!!

1.) Download the correct Zarafa Version at
2.) 2010-12:
3.) unpack file zarafa-licensed_6.40.3-23410_i386.deb
4.) dpkg --unpack zarafa-licensed_6.40.3-23410_i386.deb
5.) there are 3 files to rename
goto Directory /etc/init.d/ -> mv zarafa-licensed-dpkg-new zarafa-licensed
goto Directory /etc/zarafa/  -> mv licensed.cfg.dpkg-new licensed.cfg
goto Directory /etc/defaults/ -> mv zarafa-licensed-dpkg-new zarafa-licensed
6.) Start Zarafa License Server: /etc/init.d/zarafa-licensed start

*Configure Outlook
Sorry, this is in german, but I have no english version of outlook
   1.) Download & Install
   2.) Extras → Email-Konten → Neues E-Mail Konto hinzufügen
   3.) Additonal Servertypes (??)
   4.) Zarafa 6 Server
   5.) Server: IP-Address of your Server
   6.) Port: 236 or 237 for https
   7.) Username: Username on Ebox
   8.) Password: Password on Ebox
   9.)  Connectiontype (??): Online

* To-Do
1.) Zarafa-Licensed-Server will not start at startup, so I have to add "zarafa-licensed start" to the start script
2.) updates are broken


After changing the fetchmail-update.cron.mas just change a value at Mail/General and hit the "change"-Button. After that, change it back to the original value and hit the "change"-Button again.

After that save changes, and the fetchmail-update.cron.mas will be copied to the file /etc/cron.d/ebox-mail.


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Quick Howto: SOGo
« on: November 17, 2010, 10:47:24 pm »
I was trying to get SOGo working with EBox on Ubuntu 10.04 for about 1 month, but now I got it working!

The problems I found and my solutions:
Apache wasn't starting after installation of SOGo,
* I had to add some symbolic links to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
* goto directory: cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
* add symbolic link: ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/modulename modulename
The modulnames: proxy.load, proxy.conf, proxy_ajp.load, proxy_balancer.load, proxy_connect.load, proxy_ftp.load, proxy_http.load, proxy_scgi.load, headers.load
* restart apache: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Code: [Select]
Alias /SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/ \
Alias /SOGo/WebServerResources/ \
AliasMatch /SOGo/so/ControlPanel/Products/(.*)/Resources/(.*) \

<Directory /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/>
    AllowOverride None
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

<LocationMatch "^/SOGo/so/ControlPanel/Products/.*UI/Resources/.*\.(jpg|png|gif|css|js)">
  SetHandler default-handler

## Uncomment the following to enable proxy-side authentication, you will then
## need to set the "SOGoTrustProxyAuthentication" SOGo user default to YES and
## adjust the "x-webobjects-remote-user" proxy header in the "Proxy" section
## below.
#<Location /SOGo>
#  AuthType XXX
#  Require valid-user
#  SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
#  Allow from all

ProxyRequests Off
SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
ProxyPreserveHost On

# When using CAS, you should uncomment this and install
# in /usr/lib/cgi-bin to reduce server overloading
# ProxyPass /SOGo/casProxy http://localhost/cgi-bin/
# <Proxy http://localhost/app/>
#   Order deny,allow
#   Allow from your-cas-host-addr
# </Proxy>

ProxyPass /SOGo retry=0

<Proxy "">
## adjust the following to your configuration
  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-port" "443"
  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-name" ""
  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-url" ""

## When using proxy-side autentication, you need to uncomment and
## adjust the following line:
  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-remote-user" "%{REMOTE_USER}e"

  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-protocol" "HTTP/1.0"
  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-remote-host" ""

  AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

Configuration of SOGo
* stop sogo, before config: sudo /etc/init.d/sogo stop
* change user: sudo su sogo
* add config line by line: defaults write sogod VARIABLE VALUE (Return)

Code: [Select]
defaults write sogod SOGoProfileURL  "mysql://{username}:{password}@localhost:3306/{databasename}/sogo_user_profile"
defaults write sogod SOGoTimeZone "Europe/Berlin"
defaults write sogod SOGoMailDomain "{virtual maildomain of ebox}"
defaults write sogod SOGoLanguage German
defaults write sogod SOGoAppointmentSendEmailNotifications YES
defaults write sogod SOGoFoldersSenEmailNotifications YES
defaults write sogod SOGoFoldersSendEmailNotifications YES
defaults write sogod SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications YES
defaults write sogod SOGoDraftsFolderName Drafts
defaults write sogod SOGoSharedFolderName "Shared Folders"
defaults write sogod SOGoTrashFolderName Trash
defaults write sogod SOGoSentFolderName Sent
defaults write sogod SOGoIMAPServer localhost
defaults write sogod SOGoForceIMAPLoginWithEmail YES
defaults write sogod SOGoSuperUsernames '("{superusername}")'
defaults write sogod SOGoCalendarDefaultRoles '("PublicViewer", "ConfidentialDAndTViewer")'
defaults write sogod OCSFolderInfoURL "mysql://{username}:{password}@localhost:3306/{databasename}/sogo_folder_info"

defaults write sogod SOGoUserSources '({CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = uid; UIDFieldName = uid; IMAPHostFieldName = mailHost;
baseDN = "ou=Users,dc={computername}";
bindDN = "cn=ebox,dc={computername}";
bindPassword = "{password}"; canAuthenticate = YES; displayName =
"Shared Addresses"; hostname = "localhost"; id = public;
isAddressBook = YES; port=389})'

Some additional Informations
* About LDAP Settings, take a look at Ebox > Users and Groups > LDAP Settings
* 502 Proxy Error: Something wrong with your configuration
* Service Temporarily Unavailable: Start sogo! sudo /etc/init.d/sogo start
* Do not add WOApplicationRedirectURL
* You cannot add a calender, or addressbook: Variable OCSFolderInfoURL is missing or wrong configured
* No emails or folders visible: SOGoIMAPServer correct? SOGoForceIMAPLoginWithEmail set to YES?
* IPAddress of my server:

I'm not finished testing all aspects, so I a lot of work is still missing ...

Regards from Austria

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