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Topics - yahooking

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Installation and Upgrades / New Install Should I Wait
« on: January 23, 2021, 12:38:01 am »
Migrating my home server from Clearos to Zentyal. I was wondering if the current version is 6.2 should I wait for 7 ?
Do you think an easy upgrade from 6.2 to 7 can occur once the version is released ?
Not too familiar with this platform.

I know that with clearos its impossible to upgrade to a major released without wiping data and restoring config backups.

Any advice would be great.

Hey guys just a few questions since we dont have a demo for the configuration panel online. only screen shots..
1) Does ebox have a console login config util similar to that of clearos, where upon bootup a local firefox is started in X and it only displays the config ? (Asking because i get locked out sometimes since i mess around allot with settings)
2) Can ebox support a portrange based multiwan ? where i would like all torrents to go to a faster wan rather then the wan used soely for port 80 ? Can i do a source based route on a port range ? or does it have to be individual ?
3) Does Ebox support upnp ? I have a few computers which would need this and i dont like opening up ports everytime a pc requires it. I have some for torrents some use for my voip and skype.

I would much appreciate your answers. I am very interested in ebox based on the screen shots i see... :)
*also i noticed we have a failover on multiwan... Does that mean that when the wan comes back up my source based rules will automatically change also ? or would i need to reboot ?
Lets say i have WAN 1 and 2
Voip is on WAN 2.
On a nice sunny day WAN 2 decides it needs to go down for 10 mins.
WAN 1 will kick in.
But after 10 mins WAN2 will be back online.
Does that mean after my WAN 2 is backonline my voip packets will automatically flow through WAN 2 or will i have to restart the voip server ?

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