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Messages - mike59999

Pages: 1 [2]

we have also the same Problem.
After upgrading to Zenytal 4.0 the Webinterface shows "Internal Server Error".

German / Re: Backup von Mails / Sogo / VirtualMachine auf Zentyal
« on: November 05, 2014, 08:11:27 pm »
Kommt drauf an ob Ihr noch investieren wollt.
Wir haben auf einem anderen Server eine zweite Installation von Zentyal und haben diesen als Zusätzlichen DC eingerichtet.
Die Benutzerdaten (Profile, Freigaben etc.) werden auch dort als Backup per Rsync gespeichert.
Der Vorteil bei dieser Methode der Sicherung ist das die Benutzer sich bei Ihren PC's (Windows 7) anmelden können auch wenn einer der Server mal ausfallen sollte.

EDIT: Als Backup-Server reicht auch ein alter Rechner der genügend Speicher zur Verfügung stellt.

Der Zugriff sollte von jeder internen Netzwerkadresse möglich sein, sofern diese in Zentyal als Intern markiert sind.
Der Port wurde in Zentyal auf 8443 geändert.
Alternativ mal als root "dpkg-reconfigure zentyal-core" ausprobieren, da kann der Port für das Webinterface nochmal geändert werden.

Installation and Upgrades / Zentyal 3.5 change Primary Domain Controller
« on: November 03, 2014, 02:32:37 pm »

i have already searched in the forum but couldn't find usefull informations.
Is there a way to change a addtional Domain Controller to a Primary Domain Controller.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Webadmin Internal Server Error
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:55:07 pm »
I have found a work around for the moment, it's not the perfect solution.

1. Open the File "/usr/share/perl5/EBox/WebAdmin/"
2. Go to the end of the File and remove the following part.

    if ($@) {
        throw EBox::Exceptions::Internal("Cannot load $pkgName: $@");

3. Restart the Webadmin Service with "/etc/init.d/zentyal webadmin restart".

The modified file is in the attachment.

Installation and Upgrades / Webadmin Internal Server Error
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:11:15 pm »

we have upgraded our Zentyal Installation from 3.5 to 4.0 today.
All Moduls are working but the Webinterface is no longer reachable.
As soon i connect to the Webinterface i get the message "Internal Server Error".
There are some erros in the Logfile "zentyal.webadmin-uwsgi.log" that is attached in this thread.
Can someone help us to get the Webinterface running again?

With best regards,

Michael Darsane

EDIT: A Bugtrackerticket is open under

Installation and Upgrades / Replication of DC's WERR_ACCESS_DENIED
« on: October 24, 2014, 12:07:23 pm »

we're using Zentyal since 6 Months, now we have added a additional Domaincontroller (also Zentyal) in a other City and connected them over OpenVPN.
Replication works fine for 2 Days but we get the following error "WERR_ACCESS_DENIED".
We have removed the additional Domaincontroller and demoted them.
We have also purged all Sambamodules on the secondserver to make sure everything is clean, after that we added the Server again an replication works fine for 3 Days again but now we get again the error  "WERR_ACCESS_DENIED".
What can we do to fix this Problem, i have also googled for some solution but the only solutin that works at the moment is to remove the ADC and add them again.

With best regards,


since 2 Days Squid is giving the Error " ERROR: No forward-proxy ports configured.".
The error appears after a Restart of the Server. We have changed nothing.
We have as default setting that squid works as transparent proxy.
In the attachment are the squid configs. I have replaced the LDAP-Password with "*" the rest of the config is original.

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