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Messages - stanman

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / high cpu usage
« on: September 09, 2008, 06:59:02 am »

On my ebox 0.11 i've been having a huge cpu usage of (i believe) amavisd. Almost all the time the usage is 100. with the command

/usr/bin/perl -T /usr/sbin/amavisd-new -c /etc/amavis/conf.d/amavis.conf foreground

Would this be because of a faulty configuration of some kind?

Or am I seeing ghosts?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: freshclam is outdated
« on: July 09, 2008, 06:50:06 pm »
am i the only one who's facing this? How can I tell clamav is running ok after the update if it's not visible in the ebox GUI?

Installation and Upgrades / freshclam is outdated
« on: July 09, 2008, 07:50:23 am »
Hi, in the Mail>Mail filter settings>Antivirus I get a notice that freshclam is outdated. How do I update it? I've tried apt-get update/upgrade, but that didn't solve it.

It says I need to upgrade to version 0.93.3

Installation and Upgrades / installing webmin
« on: May 21, 2008, 10:52:58 am »
Is it possible to install webmin on ebox? I've tried to apt-get install webmin with debian respitories and it got installed, but now if i try to go to: https://servername:10000 i don't get to the webmin interface...

Anyone has webmin working already?

Installation and Upgrades / single user quota
« on: April 02, 2008, 01:23:45 pm »
Hello, how can i set a single user quota? Is that possible from the webinterface?
Also i'd like to make a folder 'readonly' for a specific user, any idea's?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: mail port 25
« on: April 02, 2008, 11:46:33 am »
hi, thanks. But stupid me found out there was no default gateway set :(
there's no need to setup any firewall rules to accept mail... Really dumb, sorry.
What a great system this is

Installation and Upgrades / Re: mail port 25
« on: April 01, 2008, 02:21:44 pm »
nope, no luck yet.

I portforward my routers incoming tcp/25 data to the internal interface of the ebox (it only has one: eth0). If i don't have any rules set, i can still connect from a local ip to the box. Yet from the outside it's not possible.

Thanks for answering though. Any more suggestions?

Installation and Upgrades / mail port 25
« on: April 01, 2008, 07:53:04 am »
hi, I'm having a bit trouble getting the mailserver to accept connections from the outside. Here's my setup:
wan -> router -> Lan. Somewhere on the lan there's the ebox sitting, if i port forward port 25 to my ebox, i can't telnet on port 25. If I portforward to an ubuntu machine (not ebox) i can connect. So somewhere in the firewall there's a problem letting port 25 tcp data in. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance

Installation and Upgrades / Re: ebox-internal-backups folder
« on: April 01, 2008, 07:11:38 am »
ok, thanks. So if there's any large backup made of the user's home folders and other shares. They're in there, so i could use it to make a backup (e.g. on tape)?

Installation and Upgrades / ebox-internal-backups folder
« on: March 31, 2008, 10:01:22 am »
Hi here,
What a great system this is! I use it for my home network and everyone is happy with it!

one small question: what's the ebox-internal-backups folder for?

It shows when i browse the samba network.

Also, is it possible to access some user's home folders as an administrator?

Pages: [1]