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Topics - azteech

Pages: [1]
Hi people
Tried to install Zentyal Server i386 2.0.4 after downloading cd ISO from Zentyal download site.

Made a cd from ISO after verifying ISO mdchecksum - ISO burned/verified with no detectable errors.
Verified CD from initial installer screen - no detected errors

After partitioning hard drive, receive the following error - "Failed to determine codename for release"
on the package installation phase

After searching the internet - both Zentyal forum, and Ubuntu forums finally found only one instance of this being reported here -

It would appear this is a scripting error in the /var/lib/dpkg/cdrom-detect.postinstall file which is causing the script to exit prematurely before updating the debconf database.

Since I am not on a usable opensource OS (i.e. Linux) I am not able to find/fix the problem as listed in the above thread. Any suggestions as to how to open the iso, edit and correct the problem file, save the corrected file, and re-make the ISO would be appreciated.

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