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Messages - Orionis

Pages: [1]
Directory and Authentication / RootDN and other info
« on: April 25, 2018, 07:21:57 pm »

I am trying to find the basic information of my domain to be able to use it with serivicios apartes such as GLPI and Odoo but it turns out that I do not find a way for zentyal to return me the basic information of domain more than:
Base DN
Default Users DN
Default Groups DN

I need info such as:
RootDN Password
Read-Only RootDN
Bind Passworkd

Try using:
RSAT on windows
Apache Directory Studio (requires data cited above)
Search for hours via terminal between the entire samba structure

Any ideas?


Any hints in /var/log/syslog ?

The log shows normal as if the ACL permissions are granted correctly and could be created and modified files in the directories via windows explorer, but in reality it shows that no user has writing or execution permission even on their personal directories, and even by chmod 777 -R the permissions are not granted to modify in any way the directories or their contents...

Yeah but how can i downgrade zentyal-samba to the previous version? Zentyal-samba now is only in the 5.1.1 version in all repos, the system try to update all to 5.1 but i can't stay in the 5.0 because once the core is updated, even if downgrade the core, samba still appears in the 5.1.1 version in all the +4.0 repos.

Install the 5.1.1 version isnt a solution because isnt working.

Installation and Upgrades / File Shares is down in 5.1
« on: April 04, 2018, 02:13:27 am »

Since updating via webadmin from version 5.0 to 5.1 it happens that the ACL of the file sharing module is not working, nor does it create the new directories through the module's gui. You have to create the directories via ssh and do not accept the ACL permission of the zentyal AD.
The previously created directories continue to work but you can not modify your permission in any way other than the one you already have from the previous version.

Any ideas? Zentyal is the GTW / DC in my work and this can seriously affect our performance.

Spanish / StrongSwan en Zentyal
« on: January 18, 2018, 04:01:58 pm »
Buenas y cordiales saludos a todos.

Desde hace unos meses me encuentro levantando una plataforma de red local con conexion vpn site-to-site con nuestro servicio virtual en AWS y tengo ya unos cuantos meses trabajando con zentyal como DC y GW de mi red local. El problema ocurre que con el cliente de openVPN de zentyal no puedo establecer dicho tunel y entre los clientes que he trabajado StrongSwan es el mas estable dentro de Zentyal/Ubuntu/Debian.

El problema radica en que no se puede enrrutar el trafico correctamente a travez del tunel porque no crea una interfaz tunn para ello, y con zentyal no puedo editar la dichora tabla 220 donde ha marcado la misma GW del Zentyal como la del tunel, la cual debe ser diferente, y no me permite configurar otra GW a menos que se encuentre accesible en la red local. El tema es que la GW para el tunel es remota, y si la configuro de este lado como una VWAN el trafico igual se encontraria mal errutado.

Quisiera recoger opiniones para solucionar dicho problema, bien sea como alternativas para el site-to-site vpn tunnel o para solventar este tema en la configuracion del zentyal. Espero por sus mensajes


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