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Messages - LMSSML

Pages: [1] 2 3
Installation and Upgrades / Blocking Spotify Zentyal 3.3
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:15:42 am »
Hi there,

Does anyone tried to block spotify on zentyal ?
Is there anyway of blocking this service ?

Thanks in advanced.

Hi there,

Thanks for the answer.

If I used virtual hosts using iis i got the same problem.
If I understood your ideia using the virtual hosts could apply on zentyal firewall for names and ports?
Then I could redirect the ports by name is this that you intended to do ?

Is this correct ?

Hi there,

The version of zentyal is 3.3
The websites are hosting by iis.
The port forward points to the web server, so here is the problem.

One public IP
Two websites  using different ports on is (80 /8080)
Port forward using 80 80
Port forward using 80 8080

Although I got the same ip under iis  with different ports but what i really need it's from external (internet ) call the two websites on port 80 and they can resolve one for port 80 and the other one for port 8080.

For example.

Is there anyway of solving this problem

I forgot to say that I only have one public ip address

HI there,

I got two websites responding on different port (8080 and 80)
Although I got for external access putting the websites responding on port 80 I got the following connection scheme

Internet -----> Router (static ip)  -------> zentyal --------> LAN

I made a port forward and it works ok with one website but the other one does not work even doing another port forward.

port forward  8080 80

Is there a way to turn around this situation ?
Anyone got this problem ?

I saw something using SNAT is it possible ?

Installation and Upgrades / Restore Zentyal from 3.3.10 to 3.5.5
« on: December 10, 2014, 03:44:17 pm »
Hi there,

I made a backup from my zentyal 3.3.10 after installing zentyal 3.5.5 I tried to restore backup I got the following error.

Some error has happened in Zentyal:

Could not restore the backup because a missmatch between its Zentyal version and the current system version. Backup was done in Zentyal version 3.3.10 and this system could only restore backups from Zentyal version 3.5.5

Can anyone have the same problem ?

Is there any possible way of accessing configuration to make by hand all reconfigurations that I have ?

Anyone ?

Installation and Upgrades / Scheulded time to access internet
« on: October 09, 2014, 12:39:23 pm »
Hi there,

Is there any feature on zentyal to select a certain device and scheulded the time that this device could have internet access ?

Thanks to anyone

Installation and Upgrades / Using Zentyal has failover
« on: July 16, 2014, 04:01:31 pm »
Hi there,

The idea is to have two configured zentyal servers has gateway and  if for some reason one of them colapse the other gets working.

Is this possible ?

Thanks in advanced.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Blocking ip by country
« on: July 04, 2014, 08:26:50 pm »
Is this a feature or could have a workaround ?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Blocking ip by country
« on: July 01, 2014, 03:53:35 pm »
HI there,

Is there anyone experienced this problem ?

Thanks in advanced.

Installation and Upgrades / Blocking ip by country
« on: June 29, 2014, 03:45:09 pm »
Hi there,

is there anyway that I can block ups by country ?

For example if I use a file to import on zentyal to block source from(reading a file that has been imported)

Thanks in advanced.

Installation and Upgrades / VOIP Support for Zentyal 3.4
« on: May 23, 2014, 05:54:38 pm »
Hi there,

could not find voip module on zentyal firewall .

Anyone to help ?

Is there any step by step ?

Forgot to mention version of zentyal that is 3.4 .

Hi there,

Thanks for the answer

I got a rule on router forwarding to zentyal.

Internet ------- router ----- zentyal (eth0) -------- Zentyal (LAN)


port on router 1020 to

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