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Messages - bachelorNest

Pages: [1]
I think it depends on what all you are using it for and how good the reliability needs to be.

For a business with 15+ employees I have been going with 4.2. But businesses with 10 or less I have been using 5.0. Additionally, I used 5.0 on my home setup.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal 5 gives me no desktop
« on: January 16, 2017, 07:40:31 am »
Press Control+F keys. Go through all of the F keys starting with 1. One of them should boot you in.

I had this problem with two instances of 5.0 and it fixed both.

Other modules / Dynamic DNS in 5.0
« on: December 24, 2016, 05:51:43 am »
I recently upgraded a customer to Zentyal 5.0 and noticed that the Dynamic DNS options are gone.

Was this option removed and not replaced? Could someone please explain what the standard alternative to Zentyal Dynamic DNS is?

I'm at a loss here and need to setup VPN for the client. Unfortunately, documentation for 5.0 seems to be lacking and hard to find. I am continuing to research but figured I would go ahead and post here and see if someone has already conquered this quest.

Thanks in advance.

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