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Topics - balu

Pages: [1]
German / Starten des Moduls Dateifreigabe geht nicht
« on: October 25, 2012, 11:53:53 pm »

ich habe eine frische Zyntyak 3.0 Installation mit dem Office-Paket.
Das Starten des Moduls Dateifreigabe funktioniert nicht. Es kommt zu folgender Fehlermeldung:
Failed to enable: Samba can't be provisioned if no IP addresses are set and the DNS domain is properly configured. Ensure that you have at least a IP address assigned to an internal interface, and this IP has to be assigned to the domain and to the hostname in the DNS domain.
Was genau muss ich im DNS-Modul an welche Stelle eintragen? Welche Einträge muss ich noch vornehmen?

Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung.


Installation and Upgrades / mutated vowel / Umlaute
« on: January 22, 2011, 10:24:24 pm »
Hello eyeryone,

i am a german user of Zyntyal. I save Files with mutated vowel like (ÄÜÖäöüß) in the filename with samba from a win 7 computer. If i see this file at the Linux filesystem, the mutated vowel are not displayed. I have tested the samba settings like 'unix charset = ISO8859-1' or 'unix charset = ISO8859-15' in the smb.conf, but it does not work. Are there any Solutions for this Problem? I need the correct filename for a backup. The backup starts, if no client is avaiable in my home network and the server ist going down.

Sorry vor my bad English.


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