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Spanish / Re: Servicio de Radius no inicia despues de actualizar a ver 8
« Last post by luis.apodaca on August 15, 2024, 01:07:41 am »
disculpen la tardanza en contestar pero estuve buscando respuesta en otros lados y al no tener mejor opción regrese el servidor a un punto de restauración anterior a la versión 8.3 y con eso pude salir de la urgencia, aunque el problema sigue y quisiera darle solución

estoy retomando el tema y ya actualice Zentyal a la versión 8.0.4, el problema sigue !!

cuando aplico los comandos que aporta turalyon (gracias por ayudar)
journalctl -xeu freeradius.service
journalctl --no-pager -u freeradius

el resultado mas notable es
zentyal-radius systemd [1]: freeradius.service: control process exited, code=exited, status=1/failure
zentyal-radius systemd [1]: freeradius.service: failed with result ´exit-code´
zentyal-radius systemd [1]: failed to start freeradius multi-protocol policy server

alguien tendrá idea de como resolver ?, de antemano gracias !
This issue affects Outlook CalDav Synchronizer as well.   
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Migrate users from Zentyal 6.2 to 8.0
« Last post by Siroco on August 12, 2024, 01:17:21 pm »
Just above the known limitations section, you have the .csv file format section where it tells you the format of the .csv files.
You have it for both version 6.2 and version 8.0
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Migrate users from Zentyal 6.2 to 8.0
« Last post by Aerdos on August 09, 2024, 10:31:25 pm »

thank you, I've read it already. The main question that is there any format difference between the 6.2 and 8.0? So can I import the database exported from 6.2? Will the 8.0 could process that format?

Thank you!
Reproduction was quite easy... Install SOGo and use it :) One day it decided to throw successful logons back to the login page without any trace of errors whatsoever.

As for the subnet comment it can be disregarded... I went on vacation and used a VPN (external, not running on Zentyal) to access the server and the issue occurred immediately. After restarting the server like 2 days in row fixed it and now I can access SOGo through VPN as well. What I thought initially is that accessing it from the VPNs subnet causes it to bug, but it was only a coincidence.
Holly shit

ok.. this is what I ended up doing

- removing/changing a few lines of the options.mas or .conf tied to bind (dns/named) as suggested by dev given the bug found.. did get my dns working
I remove dns.. and that took out samba (dc/ad) and radius, which I use.. I said fuck it..
then I resintall the damn zentyal dns (if you don´t know the names apt search zentyal should give you the names of the services needed)
a restart after... lo and behold.. I was finally able to get dns working again.... proceed to updated from 7.0.9 all the way up to 8 (last version available)... in the process after getting 7.1 working and having the system updated.. I installed zentyal-samba and zentyal-radius... since the configs were there.. it appears like I didn´t loose users...
fingers cross my users will be able to authenticate... but well.. this is a huge step forward.
almost at my wits' end
dns never got back up again
I finally figured out why options file was not taking my changes after I finally got the proper fonfiguration for bind9/named I never got dns working again.. so I have a server that I can´t update

Somehow zs webadmin restart worked and I got the web interface back but not for too long:
radius which I use was down, dns was down and so ldap
I tried to enabled modules but some failed samba and dns (of course)
I decided to updated the damn zentyal-dns with the wrong .deb package (I have 7.0.9) but I started dkpg with 7.1.x. I went back and got the 7.0.3 .deb package but that installation never succeeded.. i gets stuck in the confugraiton and i ended cancelling out... of course at that point I have packages broken..
tried to do a dkpg --configure -a and of course it gets stuck from the get go on the dns-zentyal configuration.. i never finishes.. so once again ctrl-c out of that.. more stuff broken..
now zs webadmin won´t start.. so Iḿ back to square one but worst as
sudo apt install -f is a no go.
Iḿ getting fired
I found something

when I do
sudo journalctl -u named -n 50
I see a red line that says /etc/bind/anmed/conf.options:20 option 'dnssec-enable' no longer....
and when I go to that file I see that option is there.. so comment it and save it..
but then when I try to restart the service with sudo systemctl restart bind9
it fails and if I go look up again journal, the same line appears in red.. and somehow the file that I edited before it's again with the problem line uncommented... what is going on ?
I think I saw this in my search and troubleshooting attempts and tried it but the restart of dns just hangs
nevertheless, I went ahead and tried it again:
I stopped the dns lock process found and
I went ahead and tried the solution by
doing sudo nano /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/dns/named.conf.option.mas
and left this on that file as suggested
// DNSSEC configuration
dnssec-validation yes;

problem is that
sudo zs dns restart
again, just hangs... been waiting for a while now but no error is thrown nor the command completes.

after 10 minutes of waiting I opted to restart the server and give it another go.
but again. no dns resolution. (ping temporary failure in name resolution) but ping to succeeds
any idea where I might be able to see what else is going on?
Email and Groupware / Re: SOGo logins successfully and goes back to the login screen
« Last post by Siroco on August 07, 2024, 12:59:34 pm »

Could you explain how you reproduced the error?

I have a feeling that this has something to do with accessing SOGo from different subnets...

What do you mean?

I recommend you to open an issue on GitHub detailing the problem for the developers to review.

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